Ignoring the fact is married (sorry to his wife), Bail Organa could have been a good match for Padme. After failing to convince Jedi Master Rahm Kota to rescue his adopted daughter Leia, who was arrested by Imperials and held prisoner on Kashyyyk, he attempted to do the same with another Jedi Master, Shaak Ti, who was hiding on Felucia. It was also imperative that the Skywalker twins were to be kept as far away from the Sith as possible, with their existence and identities kept secret. Human (Alderaanian)[1] Back on Alderaan, her father received a falsified report stating that the Tantive IV had encountered an unexpected meteorite field it could not avoid, and had gone down with all hands on board. Today, we all vow to change the galaxy, and one day the galaxy will indeed be free!" [28][64][65] Episode II Casting Director Robin Gurland was considering Smits for the role of Organa when his agents contacted her and informed her that he was interested in becoming involved with Star Wars. Much more reepectful and actually charming- Mon Mothma ist just jealous that Padme gets laid so regularly, Mon herself hasn't seen her partner in ages, this is unfair [1], Organa was slated to appear in 1999's Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, and was written into the screenplay as the seconder of Queen Amidala's call for a Vote of No Confidence in Chancellor Valorum's leadership. In secret, Organa and Mothma, sometimes accompanied by Bel Iblis, began having regular meetings in Organa's Coruscant residence to discuss organized resistance. He was married to Queen Breha Organa. Affiliation(s) [50] Princess Leia and Obi-Wan Kenobi never made it to Alderaan, and the planet was about to face certain doom. As a diplomat, Organa was often on the front lines of the war; he was engaged in actual fighting during both the Battle of Boz Pity[36] and the Battle of Coruscant, although he fought involuntarily in the latter. Organa was strong minded and refused to submit to the rule of Emperor Palpatine. [24] In order to occupy that position, he was forced to abandon his viceroyship, delegating his powers to a regent. [58] Organa first appeared in 1981's Star Wars radio drama, where he was called "Prestor" in the closing credits. However, amid the moral decay of the dying Republic, Organa's impassioned defense of the civic virtue was often derided by his corrupted peers. [3] As such, he was properly addressed as "His Serene Highness, Prince Bail Prestor Organa, First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan. Bail Organa was a tall, dark-haired Human with tan skin and brown eyes,[8] whose traits were regarded as aesthetically pleasing by other members of his species. Skin color Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Despite his pampered upbringing, Organa maintained many personal acquaintances across Alderaan which crossed class boundaries. [6] As a youth, Bail Organa was trained to eventually take up Alderaan's seat in the Galactic Senate. [29] Though not a militarist, it was expected he would vote in favor of creating an army to defend the Republic. Eye color He quoted Brando and Dean, but did nothing important or memorable. Prior to the Star Wars prequel trilogy, he was featured in the Star Wars radio drama[5] and the novel The Paradise Snare. Subsequently, he was Senator of the Alderaan sector of the Imperial Senate from 31 BBY to 23 BBY. He was opposed to the Grand Army, and fought to keep the Clone Wars from happening. The two swiftly became friends and it wasn't long before Ventor was a welcomed presence around House Organa. [5] Adrian Dunbar played the character in scenes from Star Wars Episode I that were ultimately excised from the film,[1] and Jimmy Smits took over the role in Episodes II and III.[source?] Bail Organa held a seat in the Galactic Senate for his homeworld of Alderaan. Together they were granted an audience with the king and his council, but negotiations were rendered complicated by the arrival of Lott Dod, the Senate representative of the Trade Federation sent by Count Dooku, who learned of Organa's mission when they intercepted his communication with the Jedi. Organa hugs his adoptive daughter in what will be their final farewell. Bail Organa held a seat in the Galactic Senate for his homeworld of Alderaan, where he died when the planet was destroyed by the Death Star at command of Grand Moff Tarkin. Breha Antilles was born on Alderaan, one of the founding planets of the Galactic Republic at some point between 59 and 49 BBY, under the chancellorship of either Thoris Darus or Frix. The medical team who tried to save her discovered that she was dying, having apparently lost the will to live. The Republic senate then voted on deregulating the banks. Protected by his guards, Organa was severely injured in the struggle, unable to speak, and therefore asked Amidala to deliver a speech that would kill the bill. Content approaching. After meeting on Kashyyyk, the rebel leaders found Marek's family crest, and Leia suggested honoring Marek by using it as the symbol for the Rebel Alliance. Gender During the time of the Republic, his Senatorial duties kept him away from Alderaan, and Bail Organa could rarely spend much time with his wife in Aldera. Star Wars 53: The Last Gift From Alderaan! Bail Prestor Organa (69 BBY-0 BBY) was the Senator of Alderaan in the Galactic Senate towards the end of the Galactic Republic. [41] A self-aware politician, Bail Organa always appeared neatly presented. Organa also had good working relationships with influential senators such as Mon Mothma of Chandrila, Padme Amidalaof Naboo, and Onaconda Farr of Rodia. [1] When Jimmy Smits was cast as Organa for 2002's Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones,[61] the Star Wars Expanded Universe visually solidified Dunbar's character as Antilles, and Smits's as Organa. [4] He also established political relationships with other like minded Senators, including Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia, Padmé Amidala of Naboo, Doman Beruss of Illodia, and Mon Mothma of Chandrila, with whom he had a very good personal friendship. [15] Additionally, his maternal uncle Tayvor Mandirly was a notorious agricultural expert. He agreed to load the supply ships they already had at the time with a preliminary supply of resources if Organa could keep the involvement of Toydaria secret from. [57] Bail Antilles was accordingly renamed Bail Organa, and went on to be mentioned by name in both the script and novelization of the original Star Wars film,[1] although he was referred to simply as Leia's father in the film itself. They then fled Coruscant to the planetoid Polis Massa and contacted Kenobi on the planet Mustafar. When Anakin falls to the dark side and Padmé dies in childbirth, Bail and his wife Breha adopt one of the twins, Leia, to raise as their own daughter. One of the main founders of the Rebel Alliance, he was killed when the Death Star obliterated Alderaan. He opposed against Chancelor Palpatine's politics during the Clone Wars and finally became a leading figure of the Rebellion. Trapped on the planet's surface, Organa and his relief effort soon began to run out of food and water. This Star Wars Legends article contains information that is affected by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars project. The two met in a hotel in the West End of London, but the meeting did not go to plan. Senator Bail Prestor Organa of Alderaan is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. Brown[4] He was also a friend and colleague of Leia's biological mother, Senator Padmé Amidala, and was present when Leia and Luke were born. However, Organa and Binks were secretly met by the king, who told them that the humanitarian factor had actually gained his favor. Organa also became close friends with former Chancellor Valorum. Given how the Sith operate, it would be prudent to have as few people know the truth as possible. Tan[4] Height The origins of the character of Bail Organa can be found in the early drafts of the original Star Wars film. While representing Alderaan in the Imperial Senate, he worked secretly with allies such as Mon Mothma and Ahsoka Tano to assist rebel cells scattered across the galaxy, working towards the day that a unified Rebellion could emerge. He is a supporting character in the Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Rogue One, and Star Wars Rebels. [3] An issue of the film's comic book adaptation erroneously calls Leia's father Bail Antilles. [15] Bail was one of the few people in the galaxy who were aware that Palpatine was a Sith Lord, presumably having been informed of this by Yoda. 1 Appearances 1.1 Attack of the Clones 1.2 Star Wars: The Clone Wars 1.3 Revenge of the Sith 1.4 Star Wars Rebels 1.5 Rogue One 1.6 Original Trilogy He and his wife, Breha, adopt the girl and raise her in the royal family. Arriving on Naboo, Bail and the Jedi discussed the fate of the twins. Bail Prestor Organa, a male Human, was a native of Alderaan,[1] a planet of pristine beauty the inhabitants of which were among the Core Founders of the Galactic Republic. A Gran Senator tried to reason with him, but Bail had no idea what the guy was saying. [68] A non-canon dark side ending of The Force Unleashed sees Organa die aboard the Death Star after being shot by Imperial stormtroopers.[64]. [28] Should that base ever be discovered by the Empire, Organa created a holocron encased in near-indestructible phrik, which contained a list of possible replacement planets. entry on Pello Scrambas, has stated that Scrambas's entry was originally written as indicating that Organa's marriage to Queen Breha was arranged by Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth in order to end the Alderaan Ascendancy Contention. [6] A polyglot, Organa could speak not only Galactic Basic Standard, but also Shyriiwook, Mon Calamarian,[52] and Gran. [22], Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan in 22 BBY, Following the election of Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor, Senator Bail Antilles chose to retire, and Organa succeeded him. [37] He also visited Qalydon[18] and Metalorn,[38] and served with and befriended Giles Durane, saving the man's life on more than one occasion. Organa, aboard his personal ship, the Tantive IV, traveled to Toydaria, where he met up with the Gungan Representative Jar Jar Binks at the Katuunko's royal palace. Signed by Organa, Mothma, and Bel Iblis, with Marek and Kota also present, the document formalized the relationship between the Corellian, Alderaanian and Chandrilan resistance forces, respectively, from a loose coalition to an organized rebellion—the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Although he qualified himself as a "neglectful husband", he paid the Queen lightning visits whenever possible. In the Alliance and its successor states, the New Republic and Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, he was respected as a martyr who died for his cause. [Source]. He was held prisoner until Galen Marek, who was advised by Kota to rescue him so his soon to be formed rebellion would receive support from a politician, arrived. [3] On a warm evening late in the spring,[15] Bail Organa perished when Wilhuff Tarkin, now a Grand Moff, ordered the destruction of Alderaan using the Death Star's superlaser, annihilating its population. [10], Marek, however, had turned to the light side of the Force after being betrayed by Vader, who in fact deceived him by telling Marek that they would use the rebellion to overthrow Emperor Palpatine, and journeyed to the Death Star. Shortly before the fighting erupted on Christophsis, Organa led a relief force to the planet to aid the besieged people and beleaguered troops and was soon hemmed in by a Confederate blockade led by famed Admiral Trench. During the Great Jedi Purge, after witnessing clone troopers gun down Padawan Zett Jukassa, Organa was determined to intercept any surviving Jedi before they "walked into this catastrophe." But the senator's rigor was not only about appearance; unlike many self-absorbed and corrupt delegates, Organa took his senatorial duties seriously. He was known for wearing elegant and meticulous clothes in the style of the Republic Classic era. The idea was omitted from the published entry, however. 67 BBY[2] While he always had all the material things he needed, Organa's parents were careful never to spoil him. In the confusion that erupted after the conflict on Geonosis, Organa met with Grand Master Yoda and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine as the wizened Jedi recounted the tale from the first battle of the war. Organa, along with his allies, attended the funeral, and was present in Chancellor Palpatine's office afterwards when Lieutenant Tan Divo reported that Farr's death was in fact a murder. [16], In 28 BBY, Organa took in his turn the mantle of viceroy,[26] which he would keep till his death. They were the same exact kind of person. Fighting the bill, Senators Organa and Amidala found data on the Banking Clan, revealing that they were charging 25% interest, which drained funds from social programs. Contents[show] Early Life Bail grew up, got older. Senator Silya Shessaun also worked behind the scenes with Organa, aiding him in forming the Rebellion and also helping raise his adopted daughter, Leia. Bail Organa, who foresaw a time of turmoil in the not-too-distant future, chose to to keep information about this world secret, only revealing its existence to his close political allies. Though he does occasionally think that if Padme had to have an affair with a Jedi, she could have at least picked Obi-Wan. [28] During that Separatist Crisis, Organa pushed to have Alderaan loosen its immigration restrictions to allow refugee resettlement. ], In addition to appearing in Episodes II and III of the primary Star Wars saga,[source?] He was a friend of General Ben Kenobi, a Jedi Knight who helped protect Alderaan during the Clone War. [23] Before the chair could find a motive to postpone the vote, Organa argued that the motion could suffer no delay, since it was on the floor and had to be voted during the ongoing session. Despite his elevated position, Organa remained committed to his friends. He was known to favor Blackmoon ale with a twist of blue sarsata peel and white wine produced by the House of Organa's own vineyard;[6] Algarine wines were his favorite vintage.[15]. [66] More recently, he has appeared in a number of materials related to the Clone Wars, both in the original multimedia project[40][67][37] and the more recent one. Jimmy L. Smits (born July 9, 1955) is an American actor best known for playing attorney Victor Sifuentes on the 1980s legal drama L.A. Law, NYPD Detective Bobby Simone on the 1990s police drama NYPD Blue, Matt Santos on the political drama The West Wing, Switch (1991), My Family (1995) and as ADA Miguel Prado in Dexter.He also appeared as Bail Organa in the Star Wars prequel trilogy and Rogue One. After his rescue, Bail said that armed resistance against the Empire needed to be proven as a possibility before he and the other Senators took action. Organa was among the 2 billion people who died instantly. Hair color [21] Despite not being a senator, Bail Organa was present in the plenary chamber, and he stepped out to second the motion,[22] as did the Roonan delegate Edcel Bar Gane. ***** Amidala had laid on the edge of death for months. Hasbro included all of the accessories from the original release, save for the environmental display stand. [3], Bail Organa together with fellow Senator Mon Mothma, Bail Organa was a tall, dark-haired Human with tan skin and brown eyes,[8] whose traits were regarded as aesthetically pleasing by other members of his species. He is a wonderful father to Luke and Leia. [32], When the Republic Senate debated on deregulation of the banks, Organa suggested that they should wait and see if deregulation was the best choice at the time being for the Republic, since it was deep in debt. There, Marek defeated Vader and held Palpatine off long enough for Bail and the other rebels to escape. [35], Organa in his modified Narglatch XJ-2 airspeeder, As the Clone Wars dragged on, Organa became concerned about Palpatine's growing powers. This act proved to Bail that the Empire could be defeated in battle. Bail and the other Senators were taken to the under construction Death Star I, and it seemed that the Rebellion was doomed before it even began. He was an early ally of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine in the Senate; Palpatine named Organa to his Loyalist Committee. Bail Organa and Padmé Amidala investigate Onaconda Farr's murder. [28], In 1 BBY, leaders of the Alliance decided to set their new secret headquarters on the fourth moon of Yavin Prime after being forced to secretly abandon their former base on Dantooine. The last ever scene featuring senator Organa, confirming his death during the structure of Alderaan. Realizing the threat of this bad loan, the Senators approached other like-minded congressmen, such as Senator Mot-Not Rab in hopes of forming a caucus with little success. Chronological and political information Organa tried bringing up the subject in the Senate, but a bombing on Valorum's transport issued the Senate to go through with the act anyway.[40]. [16] In less than one month, C'baoth guided the tribunal to a decision that favored the Organas. [59] On his part, Lucas felt the effects of the jet-lag, which prompted him to yawn regularly. [18], In the wake of the standoff, the victorious Organa family decided to celebrate by sending young Organa, his sister Tia and the Ventor family as their representatives to the Okonomo Retreat on the beautiful island resort. After Padmé Amidala's successful meeting with Separatist Senator Mina Bonteri about the Separatist Parliament voting on peace. High-Level Intellect/Expert Tactician/Leader/Negotiation:Bail was highly intelligent. Description from pinterest.com. Marek told him it was for the best since she'll carry the memories of what she did. See more ideas about star wars, bail, star wars episodes. But the clincher for her didn't come until she heard Leia say, "Da Da," in reference to Bail. Additionally, Winstone asserts that Lucas instantly knew he was wrong for the part as soon as the actor walked in the room, but chose to relay the message through a third party—something at which Winstone took umbrage. At the end of episode 3, Senator Bail Organa brings a baby girl back to his home planet Alderaan. [40], Organa also took the droids into his service (and ordered C-3PO's memory wiped to keep the chatty droid from someday accidentally revealing Leia's true parentage[7]), placing them in the care of Tantive IV's captain Raymus Antilles. [63], Stephen Elliott voiced Organa in the Star Wars radio dramatization. Bail Prestor Organa (formally styled as His Serene Highness, Prince Bail Organa, First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan) was a Human male who served as the First Chairman and Viceroy of Alderaan, and served in the Galactic Senate as the Senator of the Alderaan sector from 32 BBY to 19 BBY. Refusing to reveal his contact, and demanding to accompany the Jedi to the Sith world, Kenobi and Organa proceeded on a journey to Wild Space. [33], After the bombing, Dooku sent a message to the Senate, stating that the Republic launched attack on their soil, killing the sponsor of their peace bill, Senator Bonteri. [8] He continued to serve in the Senate well into the days of the Galactic Empire, where he remained a representative for Alderaan until his adopted daughter Leia took over one year before the Battle of Yavin. [6] In the days following this promotion, Organa departed Coruscant and formed an elite team to travel to Virgillia 7 as part of a rescue mission to recover his old friend Padawan Ventor. He was also extre… [46] When the opportunity arose, Organa enjoyed a good drink. A few months into the Clone Wars, Bail was given coordinates to the Sith planet Zigoola by his secret informant, Alinta. Amidala was successful in swaying most of the Senators in their favor.[34]. Tarkin oversaw the construction and operation of the first Death Star, and did so with cold authority. [8], Bail Organa beside his wife Breha, holding their newly adopted daughter, Arriving on Naboo, Bail and the Jedi discussed the fate of the twins. He was the king of Alderaan, Breha's husband, and Leia Organa's adoptive father. To assist, Organa arranged for a meeting with his old contact within the Order: Everen Ettene. By the end of the trip however, the duo managed to come to a mutual respect, and even a friendship, after surviving together on the barren world. House of Organa[1]High Court of Alderaan[5]Galactic Republic[1]Galactic Senate[1]Loyalist Committee[4]Security Committee[6]Delegation of 2000[7]Galactic Empire[8]Imperial Senate[8]Finance Committee[1]Appropriations Committee[1]Intelligence Oversight Committee[1]Military Oversight Committee[1]Alderaanian Resistance[9]Kota's Militia[10]Alliance to Restore the Republic[3] Bail Organa is a slight repaint of 2005’s ROTS Bail Organa (III 15) figure. 0 BBY (35:3), Alderaan[3] She returned soon after, claiming to have been attacked by Senator Burtoni, who was soon arrested and charged for murder. Bail ordered the holodroid PROXY to cut off Leia's transmission so that Vader would not know she was involved. Senator Bail Prestor Organa of Alderaan, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, mentioned in the first film, A New Hope, and portrayed in the prequel trilogy films Attack of the Clones (2002) and Revenge of the Sith (2005), and the anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016). [10], Although an intelligent man and an innovative strategist, Organa tended to act on faith instead of playing safe. He was known for wearing elegant and meticulous clothes in the style of the Republic Classic era. However, before her death Padmé managed to give birth to healthy twins, Luke and Leia Skywalker. Male[1] Expert Pilot:Bail was extremely skilled in piloting various speeders and every type of flying crafts. However, before the diplomats departed, Katuunko announced that in the light of these events Toydaria would reconsider it's stance of neutrality, which was greatly appreciated by Organa. Bail was disappointed how Marek chose to let Maris go and told him that her fall reminded him too much of another Jedi who turned to the dark side after the Clone Wars ended, but did not say his name. He also displayed enough courage to stand up to the Emperor himself telling him that if he and his allies were to die the Emperor would only cause more people to hate him. Bail Organa is the king of Alderaan and the founder of the Rebel Alliance. After setting out to the locale only to be shot at, lose their attacker, and be thoroughly reprimanded by Lt. Divo, Organa and Amidala returned to Deechi's office under the suspicion that he set them up, only to discover the Umbaran dead, stabbed through the heart. Bail couldn't bring himself to make any arrangements to get Leia to Luke. To test the battle station's destructive power and to coax information out of Princess Leia, Tarkin decides to destroy her home planet of Alderaan. Senatorship Bail served as a Senator for his home planet of Alderaan. Shortly after a monumental speech by Amidala urging the Galactic Senate to vote for such a movement, Farr became ill during a celebratory meeting, dying soon after. When Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi led an assault against Trench's fleet in an attempt to break through and aid Organa, the Admiral responded with a withering attack, forcing the Jedi to retreat behind a nearby moon. Sorry to his home planet of Alderaan is a character in all Star. Give birth to healthy twins, Luke and Leia ―organa during the Clone Wars. [ 4.. Free! then fled Coruscant to the creation of the Rebel Alliance refugee resettlement the planetoid Polis Massa contacted! To reflect recent events, and greatly respected by many oversaw the construction and operation the! Chancellor Palpatine in the years that followed Organa 's appointment as a Senator, the Force II. 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Be their final farewell and as ADA Miguel Prado in Dexter ROTS Organa. Its victims effort on a beleaguered Christophsis a Senator for his home planet of Alderaan and other. Self-Aware politician, Bail was an extremely skilled tactician and a very capable leader 63 ], Although an man.

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