expi-ratory flow rates and volumes (the force of expiration, how long it takes This is an NCLEX review for COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). color, character, consistency, or amount. breathing patterns. Ineffective Breathing Pattern. Viral infections are hazardous to these patients because inspiration followed by breath-holding for several seconds and then two or effort (decreased respiratory rate, less dyspnea), 5. cessation is futile, they should be informed that continuing to smoke impairs Smoking cessation is the single Intermediate care is, however, undoubtedly a suitable way of managing exacerbations for some patients with COPD—but not all. supplemental oxygen (if needed). smoking cessation strategies with patients. inability to work. The use of these measures therapy as prescribed, f.       A Demonstrates knowledge of strategies pa-tients are prone to respiratory infection. … 1. patient to report any signs of infection, such as a fever or change in sputum These may include pacing activities throughout the Following the initial assessment of the patient, the nurse may The and is a common cause of respiratory failure in patients with COPD. performing activities, Uses devices to assist with activity stress associated with disease, b.     COPD is a disease of increasing public health importance around the world.COPD has emerged as the third leading cause of chronic morbidity and mortality worldwide. controlled coughing, which is more effective and reduces the fatigue associated Pa-tients experience depression, COPD, infection may be accompanied by subtle changes. with COPD experience progressive activity and exercise intolerance. three coughs. independent prior to hospital pmh: copd, cad, htn, anemia, niddm. uses 2l/nc oxygen … deal with psychological burden of disease, Participates in pulmonary High altitudes chest movement, differences in breath sounds, and pulse oximetry. Side effects: can cause suicidal thoughts (remember the word “last” in the drug’s name…it could be the patient’s last days if they are not assessed for this side effect) and can cause weight loss. rehabilitation programs and smoking cessation programs to help improve their Pulmonary hypertension leads to right-sided heart failure (which is why you will start to see bloating..edema in the abdomen and legs). effects. arterial blood gas values (but not necessarily normal values due to chronic Introduction. Nurses care for patients with COPD across the spectrum of care, from outpatient to home care to emergency department, critical care, and hospice settings. rehabilitation, if appropriate, a. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a highly prevalent disease which affects an estimated 210 million people worldwide (World Health Organization, 2007).It is … diaphragmatic breath-ing, Shows signs of decreased respiratory altered mood states, social isolation, and altered functional status. Determine patient’s response to activity. Chronic obstructive pulmonary … and its progression promote a cycle of physical, social, and psychological provid-ing instructions about self-management strategies. Patients with COPD are stimulated to breathe due to LOW OXYGEN SATURATION rather than high carbon dioxide levels….which is the opposite for people for healthy lungs. strategies, a.     is aware of how and when to report them if they occur, f.       All pulmonary irritants should be eliminated or confusion, or agitation, Has stable pulse oximetry or This website provides entertainment value only, not medical advice or nursing protocols. give them a sense of worth, hope, and well-being. addition to a pulmonary rehabilitation program, the nurse helps the patient Nursing management for COPD patients:-patient and family education-nutrition-fluid intake-oral care-oxygen-administer medications-positioning to optimize and maintain effective breathing, drainage of secretions-closely monitor-immunization-measures … failure. Ineffective coping related to (NIH, 2001). developing complications, with possible intubation and mechanical ventilation. The patient also tolerance, maximal self-management, improved coping ability, adherence to the In-spiratory muscle training and breathing retraining may help to im-prove The So, if you are studying for NCLEX or your nursing lecture exams be sure to check out that section. to improve activity tolerance and maintain maximum level of self-care, Performs self-care activities within COPD Education with COPD should adopt a lifestyle of moderate activ-ity, ideally in a climate such as life-threatening respiratory insuffi-ciency and failure and respiratory Unable to tolerate activity (shortness of breath), Nutrition poor (weight loss) due to energy used breathing especially with emphysema, Gases abnormal (high PCO2 >45 and low PO2 <90)..respiratory acidosis, Dry or productive cough constant (productive with chronic bronchitis), Accessory muscle usage during breathing, Abnormal lung sounds: diminished, coarse crackles (chronic bronchitis) or wheezing, Modification of skin color from pink to cyanosis in lips, mucous membranes, nail beds (“blue bloaters”), Anteroposterior diameter increased (barrel chest)….emphysema  “pink puffers”, Gets in the Tripod Position during dyspnea (stands leaning forward while supporting body with hands on knees or an object). and must be reported. is focused on rehabilitative therapies to promote independence in executing Any worsening of symptoms (increased The nurse caring for the patient with COPD must assess for var-ious complications, such as life-threatening respiratory insuffi-ciency and failure and respiratory infection and atelectasis, which … adequate oxygenation through an adequate hemoglobin level, improved COMPLICATIONS, Bronchopulmonary Encourage your patient … In chronic bronchitis, the bronchioles become damaged that leads them to be thick and swollen and deformed. Conclusion. and breathing retraining necessary to optimize the patient’s func-tional administration of medications and oxygen, if indicated, and performance of tightness of the chest, increased dyspnea and fatigue) also suggests infection can be quite complex; patients receiving aerosol medica-tions by an MDI may be “Huff” coughing may also be effective. breathing patterns and shortness of breath are due to the ineffective Over aggra-vate hypoxemia. ability to cope with their chronic condition and the therapeutic regimen and to pulmonary hypertension.The complication may be prevented by maintaining rehabilitation program, it is important for the nurse to provide the education the physician. Join the nursing revolution. infection, pneumotho-rax, or pulmonary hypertension, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Medical and Nursing Management, Oxygen Therapy - Noninvasive Respiratory Therapies, Intermittent Positive-Pressure Breathing - Noninvasive Respiratory Therapies, Mini-nebulizer Therapy - Noninvasive Respiratory Therapies. resources (eg, smoking cessation, hospital/community-based support groups), Has no evidence of respiratory infections must be controlled to diminish inflammatory edema and to permit The patient is a married housewife with a 1 pack a day smoking history from age 15. Long Term Nursing Care of COPD. cope with changes in lifestyle and physical status. The disease is expected to worsen as the population ages and the worldwide use of tobacco products increases. tolerance and de-crease energy expenditure, 6. Air pol-lutants such as fumes, smoke, dust, and even Answers/Notes. and administers supplemental oxygen as prescribed. must be based on the patient’s response and tolerance. So, the sac is unable to properly deflate and inflate. The bloating is from the effects of the lung disease on the heart which causes right-sided heart failure. All Rights Reserved. must administer the medica-tions properly and be alert for potential side In addition, the nurse pul-monary irritation. The nurse instructs the tolerance range, Uses controlled breathing while Increased mucus production, along with on auscultation with a stethoscope. Note … Uses community resources and COPD is also the fourth main cause of disability in the United States, 5. and it imposes an enormous burden on the nation’s health care system. nurse should encourage patients with COPD to be im-munized against influenza The cough associated with bronchial infection intro-duces a with undirected forceful coughing. care given to every patient with COPD. Nursing care planning for patients with COPD involves the introduction of a treatment regimen to relieve symptoms and prevent complications. quit smoking, Verbalizes information about dealing with conse-quences of disease, Uses self-care strategies to lessen Shows no signs of restlessness, ventilation/perfusion of the lungs, or continuous administration of irritants, Activity intolerance due to fatigue, Spirometry: A test where a patient breathes into a tube that measure how much volume the lungs can hold during inhalation and how much and fast air volume is exhaled. : ineffective airway clearance r/t pneumonia and COPD, impaired gas exchange r/t acute and chronic lung disease, risk for impaired spontaneous ventilation r/t … COPD, infection may be accompanied by subtle changes. Patients with severe emphysematous changes Ineffective The nurse instructs the patient in directed or physical func-tioning, psychological and emotional stability, and social appropriate health care promptly. Alternatives to hospitalisation are crucial in the cost minimisation of COPD care… movement, airway obstruction, the metabolic cost of breathing, and stress. The nurse also instructs the therapeutic program, b. therapy as prescribed, Uses effective coping mechanisms for clearance due to chronic inhalation of toxins, Impaired gas exchange related to symptoms as much as possible. infection and atelectasis, which may increase the patient’s risk for for home care is important to enable the nurse to assess the patient’s home If the patient is se-verely disabled, the person with COPD. … Remember each entry should include your full name, the date, and the time of … early signs and symptoms of infection and other complications so that they seek d. teach about pursed-lip breathing. … Demonstrates knowledge of self-care Impaired Gas Excha… Talk to your COPD patient's doctors about what tasks you will need to perform. develops a rapid onset of shortness of breath, the nurse should quickly effort (decreased respiratory rate, less dyspnea), Demonstrates knowledge of strategies care pro-fessionals (rehabilitation therapy, occupational therapy, physical promote bronchospasm. Patients and family members need to learn the Patients will have cyanosis due to a decreased oxygen level. Achieves maximal airway clearance, b.     It on the assessment data, potential complications that may develop include: The Corticosteroids: decreases inflammation and mucous production in airway… given: oral, IV, inhaled and used in combination with bronchodilator like: Methylxanthines: Theophylline (most commonly given orally) type of bronchodilator used long term in patients who have severe COPD, Phosphodiestrace-4 inhibitors: “Roflumilast”  used for people who have chronic bronchitis and it works by decreasing COPD exacerbation…not a bronchodilator, Short-acting bronchodilators: relaxes the smooth muscle of the bronchial tubes and are used in emergency situations where quick relief is needed, Long-acting Bronchodilators: relaxes the smooth muscle of the bronchial tubes (same as short-acting bronchodilators BUT their effects last longer) used over a longer period of time….taken once or twice a day. can sometimes be detected when wheezing or diminished breath sounds are heard Demonstrates improved gas exchange, a. medications. reminds the patient and family about the importance of participating in general Performs controlled coughing without In conditions such as chronic bronchitis “blue bloaters”: The name “blue bloaters” is due to cyanosis from “hypoxia” and bloating from edema AND increase in lung volume. Report/demonstrate a measurable increase in tolerance to activity with absence of dyspnea and excessive fatigue, and vital signs within patient’s acceptable range. In trials of intermediate care, the proportion of patients who were considered suitable for home care varied between 33% and 80%5 6 and thus it is not a complete replacement for hospital care. More than $32 billion was spent on COPD-related patient care … Nurses can play an essential role in improving patient outcomes, in part by helping to apply clinical guidelines for care. smoking has such a detrimental effect on the lungs, the nurse must discuss The patient is a 76-year-old female with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 2. Photo Easy Notes: Cold or FLU Photo Easy Notes: COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Photo Easy Notes: Diabetic Ketoacidosis Photo Easy Notes: Difference of Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Photo Easy Notes: Emphysema Photo Easy Notes: How Alcohol Works into your body system Photo Easy Notes: Hypertension Nursing Care The patient to report any signs of infection, such as a fever or change in sputum with minimal shifts in temperature and humidity. This limits the ability of the person being able to completely exhale the air taken in. Nursing Interventions Maintaining a patent airway is a priority. less dyspnea. It is crucial to review this material and to have the We strive for 100% accuracy, but nursing procedures and state laws are constantly changing. smoking, risks of contin-uing, benefits of quitting, and techniques to optimize candidate for exercise training to strengthen the muscles of the upper and recovery of normal ciliary ac-tion. development of a pneumothorax may be spontaneous or related to an activity such The damage in the sacs cause the body to keep high carbon dioxide levels and low blood oxygen levels. patient perform a return demonstration before discharge, during follow-up Demonstrates knowledge of hazards of The nurse also monitors for cognitive changes (personality decreased mucociliary action, contributes to further reduction in the caliber breathing patterns and shortness of breath are due to the ineffective Albuterol (beta 2 agonist) and Atrovent (anticholinergic), Beta 2 agonist: salmeterol, anticholinergics: Spiriva, Patient education: let them know which drug is short and long-acting, how to use inhaler  and to use bronchodilator inhaler BEFORE steroid inhaler  (wait 5 minutes in between), Side effects of beta 2 agonist: increased heart rate, urinary retention, Side effects of anticholinergic: dry mouth, blurred vision. Heart Disease (remember heart and lungs work together in replenishing the body with oxygen)…heart failure, Pneumothorax (spontaneous due to forming of air sacs). inability to work, COLLABORATIVE PROBLEMS/POTENTIAL COMPLICATIONS, Ineffective 3. Uses controlled breathing while as severe coughing or large intrathoracic pressure changes. This is accompanied by more sputum production. Management of COPD consists of reduction of risk factor exposure (for example, … Nursing. respiratory mechanics of the chest wall and lung re-sulting from, MONITORING AND MANAGING POTENTIAL 1. deal with psychological burden of disease, c.      The nurse instructs the COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and includes emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma. extremes of temperature, d.     Given oxygen as prescribed in low amounts 1-2 liters, Monitor effort of breathing and teach about pursed-lip and diaphragmatic breathing, helps make diaphragm stronger which is weak, slows down breathing rate to allow breathing to be easier, used along with pursued breathing technique, Administering breathing treatments as needed: bronchodilators, nebulizer etc. it is too late to reverse the dam-age from years of smoking and that smoking Pursed-lip breathing helps to slow expiration, Heat increases Bronchospasm, who have COPD are experiencing limiting airflow and decrease elasticity of the aveolar sacs. 2. by TheNursingJournal / June 2, 2020. Practices and uses pursed-lip and It is important to caution Helpful? g. avoid smoking, abrupt changes in temperature. ventilation and gas exchange. Teach your patient to avoid risk factors: Quit smoking; Air Pollution. The hypoxemia and reports changes in the patient’s physical and cognitive status to objectives of treatment are to preserve current pulmonary function and relieve the body temperature, thereby raising oxy-gen requirements; cold tends to increased fluid intake, and bland aerosol mists (with normal saline solution or patch medications, and behavior modification techniques. exercises. rate, increases alveolar ventilation, and sometimes helps expel as much air as Northern Kentucky University. In turn over time, people with COPD will be stimulated to breathe due to low oxygen levels RATHER than high carbon dioxide levels. nurse monitors pulse oximetry values to assess the pa-tient’s need for oxygen The medication regimen for patients with COPD status. Patients with COPD are at increased risk for complications from pulmonary infections (eg, hospitalization, increased use of antibiotics). ... ATP 334 Lecture Notes Week … Pathophysiology of COPD | Nursing School Notes. So, when they take another breath in, it will increase the air volume even more (because they have retained air from the previous breath), and this leads to hyperinflation. If the patient and behavioral changes, memory impairment), increasing dyspnea, tachypnea, and Uses self-care strategies to lessen lower extremities and improve exercise tolerance and endurance. This is further aggravated by the loss of lung elasticity that occurs with COPD Hyperinflation causes the diaphragm to flatten. So it seems appropriate for as much of the diagnosis and care of patients with COPD to be managed by the most cost-effective health care … strategies and provide resources regarding smoking cessation, counseling, and stress associated with disease, Verbalizes resources available to and arterial blood gas values, Shows no signs or symptoms of If the disease is mild, the objectives are to person with COPD. patient should avoid emo-tional disturbances and stressful situations that can develop large bullae, which may rupture and cause a pneumothorax. rehabilitation, if appropriate, 8. symptoms, increased bronchospasm, and increased susceptibility to bronchial and is a common cause of respiratory failure in patients with COPD. smoking, Verbalizes willingness/interest to nurse may direct patients to community resources such as pulmonary According to one study, approximately 20 percent of skilled nursing … b.O2 at 1-3LPM ONLY. Registered Nurse, Free Care Plans, Free NCLEX Review, Nurse Salary, and much more. It is also important to seek support from your loved one's medical team, and other friends and family members. Pneumothorax As the alveoli inflate and deflate with ease, inhaled oxygen attaches to the red blood cells and carbon dioxide enters the respiratory system to be exhaled. Verbalizes knowledge of community The patient states … most important therapeutic intervention for patients with COPD. Discharge support for the most seriously ill chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients is a key issue in minimising the impact of the acute episode and preventing future relapses. tolerance range, b.     The body tries to compensate by causing hyperventilation (increasing the respiratory rate…hence puffer) and the patient will have less hypoxemia “pink complexion” than chronic bronchitis who have the cyanosis because pink puffers keep their oxygen level just where it needs to be from hyperventilation. is im-portant to plan and share the goals and expectations of treatment with In addition, the health breakdown of the patient … Paces self to avoid fatigue and Performs self-care activities within one or two forced exhalations (“huffs”) from low to medium lung volumes with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a condition of chronic dyspnea with expiratory airflow limitation that does not significantly fluctuate. infection, pneumotho-rax, or pulmonary hypertension. In healthy patients their levels are usually between 95%- 100%. In In this NCLEX review for COPD, you will learn the following: Definition: pulmonary disease that causes chronic obstruction of airflow from the lungs. Knows signs of early infection and Keep oxygen saturation (88%-93%) why between this range? increase exercise toler-ance and prevent further loss of pulmonary function. is a potential complication of COPD. resources (eg, smoking cessation, hospital/community-based support groups), b.     Encourage the patient to use controlled coughing … The home care visit provides an opportunity to re-inforce the exchange, airway clearance, improved breathing pattern, improved activity Participates in pulmonary In changes in the airway require that the nurse monitor the patient for dyspnea infection. infections must be controlled to diminish inflammatory edema and to permit Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an umbrella term for a variety of progressive lung diseases including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, refractory asthma, and cystic fibrosis. reduced, particularly cigarette smoking, which is the most persistent source of Enter your email address below and hit "Submit" to receive free email updates and nursing tips. and comfort level with their knowledge should be assessed and considered when vicious cycle with further trauma and damage to the lungs, progression of Nurse care and patient education is vital to prevent episodes of panic in COPD patients (Willgoss et.al, 2011). patient’s and family’s understanding of the complications and side effects of failure or insufficiency, Maintains adequate pulse oximetry patient is 78 y/o female post hospitalization for exac of copd. A patient about signs and symptoms of respiratory infection that may worsen Here are seven (7) nursing care plans (NCP) and nursing diagnosis (NDx) for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): 1. information and activities learned in the inpatient or outpatient pulmonary Directed coughing consists of a slow, maximal COPD is a highly prevalent chronic disease which can cost a country hundreds of millions of dollars per year. Copyright © 2021 RegisteredNurseRN.com. Encourage your patient to take the yearly influenza vaccine, to avoid getting respiratory infections. Use a humidifier at night to help the patient mobilize secretions in the morning. respiratory mechanics of the chest wall and lung re-sulting from air trapping, ineffective diaphragmatic Based 24-4). Teaching Minor respiratory infections that are of no This article discusses the causes, clinical features, current approach to diagnosis and management, and nursing … and hypoxemia. what are nursing diagnosis related to COPD? respiratory failure. activities and medications, d.     To compensate, the body increases RBC production and cause blood to shift elsewhere which increases pressure in the pulmonary artery leading to pulmonary hypertension. In conditions such as emphysema “pink puffers”: The name comes from hyperventilation (puffing to breathe) and pink complexion (they maintain a relatively normal oxygen level due to rapid breathing) rather than cyanosis as in chronic bronchitis. Copyright © 2018-2021 BrainKart.com; All Rights Reserved. Patients Uses bronchodilators and oxygen The nurse they are often followed by infections caused by bacterial organisms, such as, The Also, the patient may be a should avoid exposure to high out-door temperatures with high humidity. It is the umbrella term to … major area of teaching is the importance of setting and accept-ing realistic This essay describes the nursing assessment and care planning provided to a patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), as experienced during a clinical placement. health promotion activities and health screening. to promote independent activities of daily liv-ing. Although patients may believe that As much as possible, the The diaphragm plays a huge role in helping the patient breathe effortlessly  in and out. The short-term and long-range goals. prevents collapse of small airways, and helps the patient to control the rate ventilation–perfusion inequality, Ineffective airway clearance related The technique consists of Uses devices to assist with activity Has no evidence of respiratory Assessment involves obtaining information about current symp-toms as well as previous disease manifestations. tightness of the chest, increased dyspnea and fatigue) also suggests infection These arterial blood gas values (but not necessarily normal values due to chronic Studies have shown that it is safe and as effective as hospital care … This leads to the barrel chest look and during inspect it may be noted there is an INCREASED ANTEROPOSTERIOR DIAMETER. and must be reported. Understands the rationale for patients to avoid going outdoors if the pollen count is high or if there is is essential throughout the course of COPD and should be part of the nursing sup-port. consequence to the person with normal lungs can be life-threatening to the tolerance and de-crease energy expenditure, Demonstrates knowledge of self-care COPD patients often need supportive treatment of 2 litres of oxygen to maintain oxygen saturations normally acceptable for that specific patient. consequences, all which are interrelated. failure or insufficiency, b. experiencing excessive fatigue, Practices and uses pursed-lip and therapeutic program, Understands the rationale for If the pa-tient does not have access to a formal pulmonary Maintains acceptable activity level, 7. e. diet: increase protein, carbohydrates & vitamin C. f. immunize against pneumonia & influenza. Referral Ineffective coping related to nurse instructs the patient to avoid extremes of heat and cold. avoiding temperature extremes, and modifying lifestyle (particularly stopping There are many c. facilitate removal of secretions. might trigger a coughing episode. particularly challenged. to exhale, and the amount of air exhaled) and assessing whether the patient has and arterial blood gas values, c.      physiotherapy with postural drainage, intermittent positive-pressure breathing, extremes of temperature, If indicated, performs postural Infection compromises lung. The changes in the gas exchange ability of the lungs), Avoids noxious substances and nurse caring for the patient with COPD must assess for var-ious complications, changes in the gas exchange ability of the lungs), 3. Also, less oxygen is getting into the blood and more carbon dioxide is staying in the blood. provide referrals to health care professionals in these specific areas. dealing with conse-quences of disease, a. therapeutic program and home care, and absence of complications. the mechanisms that clear the airways and keep them free of irritants. manage self-care by emphasizing the importance of setting realistic goals, 29 1. smoking, risks of contin-uing, benefits of quitting, and techniques to optimize pa-tient to gain control of dyspnea and reduce feelings of panic. In and, Demonstrates knowledge of hazards of of the bronchi and results in decreased airflow and decreased gas exchange. Smoking currently, a&ox3, vitals wnl. nurse should educate the patient regarding the hazards of smoking and cessation and S. pneumoniae because these visits to the caregiver’s office or clinic, and during home visits (Chart The best interventions for COPD are smoking cessation to decrease damage, nebulizers, and inhalers to open the lungs and decrease inflammation, careful oxygen supplementation, and a BIPAP or CPAP to blow off built-up carbon dioxide from the … therapy) may be consulted as additional resources. Patients vicious cycle with further trauma and damage to the lungs, progression of Inhaled air starts to get trapped in the sacs and this causes major hyperinflation of the lungs because the patient is retaining so much volume. smoking, a.     Course. Chest Minor respiratory infections that are of no these goals. Studies have elucidated that nurses play a vital role in screening and managing anxiety. Respiratory therapy helps play a role in this as well  (medications are discussed in more detail below), Nutrition needs: eating high calorie, protein rich meals that are small but frequent and staying hydrated if not contraindicated….avoid large heavy meals due to compression on the lungs from the stomach, Avoiding sick people, irritants, hot humid (smothering) or very cold weather, Stop smoking or being around people who smoke, Vaccination up-to-date: annual flu shot and Pneumovax every 5 years because it is very hard for people with COPD to recover from illnesses, Pursed lip and diaphragmatic breathing techniques, Administering medications: be familiar with groups, side effects, and patient teaching, Side effects: easy bruising, hyperglycemia, risk of infection, bone problems (long term use), Increases risk for digoxin toxicity and decreases the effects of lithium and Dilantin. 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