If however the students cannot attend classes owing to illness, medical certificate must be submitted. For example, you may be making a request to take part in a fundraiser. To encourage the innate talents of the children, the school conducts Drawing, Story telling, Fancy Dress, Handwriting, Sports, Art & Craft, Mental Maths, Memory Test, Recitation, Elocution, Extempore, Dictation & Singing competitions for all the children at different levels. 4. 8. (Reasons of a private nature may be submitted in a letter). Parents should also receive prior written notice a reasonable time before the school plans to take (or refuses to take) actions related to the provision of FAPE to your child. Your notice should give complete information and must be written in a clear and lucid style and easily understandable language. The name of the pupil will be restored after payment of late fine on Tuition fees with Readmission fee. we are sure all of you along with your family are keeping good health and are safe . Writing an effective notice is a kind of art that can be acquired with practice with keeping some basic points in mind while writing them out. The school conducts two Unit tests, Mid Term Exam and Annual Examination at regular intervals. If 10th happens to be a holiday, fees should be paid on the following working day. Student should come to school in neat and complete uniform. They should come to school at least five minutes before the school starts. The School diary is for recording assignments, leave requests and messages. 10. 12. Parents can meet the grade teacher and subject teachers of the student on specific days, as per the communication sent by the school. School Blazers are compulsory for Grade VII to X on Monday to Thursday. Parents are expected to co-operate with the working of the school by encouraging discipline in the students and taking active interest in the student’s progress. *Photocopy of the progress report/marks sheet of the previous grade. Designed by BuddyBoss. Pupils should not give the school address for correspondence. How to Write a School Memorandum – FREE Download How to write a school memorandum. Parents should not enter the classroom. The dates are extended for another week. The meeting will be held on 1 st September. (Socially Useful Productive work). With proper communication, however, you can build bridges between the school and home and create an open line between your students' parents and yourself as the educator. FHE has a sample withdrawal letter posted on its website. ONLINE TEST FOR HIGH SCHOOL STARTS FROM 10TH AUG 2020. Only on production of a fitness certificate from a medical officer, will be allowed to return to school. For example; a letter explaining why the child was late for school, absenteeism, sickness, abnormal behavior and many more. Some teachers like to do this in the profile of their website, but I cannot confirm that all of the families in my district have a computer or internet access. Pupils coming from schools affiliated to other boards will have to sit for an entrance test. Check this out! While applying for admission, the following documents should be furnished. 3. Attendance at official school functions on Republic Day, Independence Day etc., is compulsory. All damages to school property will be rectified at the cost of the offender. 6. 9. Many students and parents tend to … Subscribe to receive this extra resource. An introductory letter to parents from a new teacher at the beginning of the academic year is very important to develop a rapport with the parents for the rest of the year. a Penalty of Rs. Did you know that some of your students’ parents may send and receive as many as, Most announcements are general and usually begin with, , but by personalizing your greeting, you could see. Pupils detained twice in the same Grade shall not be entertained for the third year. They shall come clean and tidy, with a trim hair-do. 2. 17. School phases: All Are there any letters inviting parents into school for a meeting? The names of the pupil who fail in the same grade for two consecutive year will be removed from the rolls. Download a free school memorandum sample. Pupils shall not ride around on cycles in the school premises or park them at the entrance of the school. I Quarterly Fee : To be paid by 10th of May II Quarterly Fee : To be paid by 10th of August Write a notice for your school notice board and invite names of interested students. Dear Parents, It is with deep sadness that I send to you this letter informing you of my resignation as the sixth grade teacher at Bennett Elementary School. Pupils are not allowed to meet parents or visitors or to leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the Principal. How to Write a Notice? You should be in a position to mention the reasons why you are leaving your previous school for the other one. Attendance must be for a full school day. When long leave / leave during tests and examinations / becomes necessary due to unavoidable circumstances, permission form the principal has to be sought and obtained in advance. During a child’s academic years, the parent will write to the teacher letters for various reasons. They should check the diary regularly to note the teacher’s remarks etc. Parents can meet the grade teacher and subject teachers of the student on specific days, as per the communication sent by the school. The parents should look for daily messages and assignments, and ensure that the student act as per the message. 3. 18. Letter to teacher from parent is a means of a parents’ formal communication to the teacher to address various issues. They are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both inside and outside the school. We would like our students to spend the holidays productively. Correspondence addressed to the school address, is subject to inspection. What we’re talking about here are first impressions, and giving new parents at your school a foundation of trust. 2. *Original birth certificate for Kindergarten, Prep-I and Grade-I. Initially, the letter should be written very carefully to not to hurt the feelings of the parents and to suggest an honest intention to rectify the behavioral problems of the student for his sake only. can help you do this within a matter of seconds. Then the school must write a letter to the parents and meet with them to discuss their child's behavioral conduct in school. The school admits boys and girls, to availability of seats. Please login and complete. Pupils must bing the school diary to school everyday and note down home assignments and important instructions given by the teachers. 7. Pupils are expected to keep the school premises clean. 15. 3. 13. Pupils must be punctual. 1. Friday House colour uniform. A succinct, carefully composed school fundraising letter provides the medium for explaining the mission of the fundraiser, the means in which it will be carried out, and the pertinent dates for the pickup and submission of materials and donations. Teachers write letters to parents to provide information regarding school activities. 4. 4. Decide whether to come out to one or both parents. When a school plans a picnic, teachers write letters to students' parents to let them know about the event. | Examples | Format | Topics Notice Writing Exercises | Eviction Notice A notice is a very short piece of writing which is usually formal in style. If the child is 5-7 years old, the law states that the parent or guardian must notify the public school in writing of withdrawal. All applications for withdrawal should be made to the Principal, through the school office, after clearing all dues to the school. For example, you must receive this notice: —when the It will also help parents and school personnel know whether you are receiving our emails/texts/notices related to distance learning activities and for you to determine your technology capabilities. Re-joining the school late after vacation is not permitted. our teachers are posting worksheets periodically across all subjects on pupil pod app and we assure it is keeping them engaged . Before 10th of these months. The motto of the School is to stimulate each child’s intellectual, Physical & Mental Development in a sound environment. 10. They explain: That this is part of their school critical incident plan along with the date the school plan to discuss this with their pupils. Any pupil caught cheating during an examination will get a zero mark for the subject and will be debarred from subsequent examinations (s). nail varnish is not to be worn in the school. Prep to Grade VII – Worksheets & Assignments are sent to through PUPIL POD. Regards,management and principal BIPS, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Today, receiving an e-mail from a strange e-mail address, supposedly from the school your child attends – that’s not just confusing, it’s alarming. 7. Friday House colour uniform. School Working hours: 8.45 am to 3.35 pm Virtual teaching of Recorded / Live VIDEO will start soon (in JUNE). The student’s progress in daily work will be assessed by monthly tests. School Uniform : 6. A SWIFT K-12 email/text has been sent to all parents/guardians with the activity links. Private tuitions by the teachers of BIPS is greatly discouraged. Parent should not allow the students to wear any jewellery except (if desired) a watch and a pair of small, plain gold earrings without stones or colours. Pupil are themselves responsible for their books, money, cycles, tiffin carriers and other articles. Those who come late, must bring the Late Attendance Record (in the school diary). Sample disciplinary letter to parents from school -Mayura Parab (03/23/14) Sample disciplinary letter to parents from school I am writing to inform you that our School board has found your child Master Raj guilty of breaking School’s code of conduct … The administration of the school has great reservations over the low grading of your son as he is always regarded as one of the top students in our school. 2. If not paid, the transport facility will be forfeited. You can share your story and feelings without interruption. 5. Pupils who have been absent from class must have the reasons entered in the regularity record, stating briefly the cause of their absence of delay. The diary should be carried to school everyday and maintained neatly. This would look like: Here’s what that would look like using this example from. In this article, we point to letters from schools which invite parents to attend parents' evening, as well as meetings about a recent Ofsted inspection result and upcoming National Curriculum tests. This letter enables the teacher to create a good impression as parents realize that the teacher is … Speaking in English is a must when in school. IV Quarterly Fee : To be paid by 10th of February. School uniform is compulsory and pupils shall come to school wearing the prescribed uniform. Non approved books or magazines should not be brought to the school. For payment of fees/dues : 8.30 am – 2:30 pm (on working days) Want a checklist to help you craft the perfect announcements? We are very pleased that you are one of the parents that take a good interest in their child’s life. The school must send prior written notice even if a teacher notified you verbally about a change. The Transfer Certificate can be collected from the office of the Principal after 15 working days from the date of application. 11. 10/- per day for a period of 10 days, after the last date of payment of fees, will be recovered. The many years I have spent teaching your children have been the most rewarding of my life, but now I must focus on my health and attempt to fight the condition that has afflicted my body. 8. A formal letter to a school can be an effective way to make new contacts and resolve issues. Prior written notice gives parents time to respond before Pupils suffering from infectious / contagious diseases will not be allowed to attend school. Please collect books- according to the dates sent through SMS. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience and conduct injurious to be moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for dismissal. Let parents know about the sms alert system by advertising it wherever you can: For new admissions to your school, get parents to opt in or give you their phone number, right as they are filling their admission forms. Writing a Letter to Parents and Guardians In the beginning of the school year, it is very important to introduce yourself to not only the students but to their parents and guardians as well. Pupils should bring to class all necessary text books and note books according to the time table. […] Below is a sample of an email to parents inviting them to the next school event: “Dear parent, On the 26th June, our school is hosting the annual … Ans) Notice-Dance competition Our school is organizing a dance competition on 10-10-2011 in school auditorium. Uniform is available in the school for all classes. Classes or when changing Classrooms, they should keep to the left, and go silently in a single line, without disturbing the neighbouring classes. Most schools require a note from a parent explaining the reason for a student's absence. Cycles must be parked in an orderly way and kept locked. * Original Transfer CertificateFor Grade II to X duly countersigned by the competent authorities. A compulsory medical inspection of all pupils will be made once a year by qualified medical officer. You might feel more comfortable writing your letter to one parent, who can then help you come out to the other. Hospital bills if any should be paid by the Parent or Guardian. Thus, it is important for teachers to reach out to parents in that first week of school. They are forbidden to write or scribble on walls, throw paper or ink about the classroom or in any way to damage the school properties. Promotion from one grade to another will be made strictly as per the promotional rules. Pupils are strictly forbidden to introduce any sort of objectionable literature into school or sell or purchase any article / food among themselves or from unauthorised dealers near the school. With proper communication, however, you can build bridges between the school and home and create an open line between your students' parents and yourself as the educator. No test or examination will be repeated for any student for any reason. Student should be punctual to School. Parents or guardians are not allowed to take their children or meet teachers during school hours, without the permission of the Principal. Any such act will entail Punishment and recovery of cost. Letting students and parents know that they matter from the first day of school is key to building a supportive and empathetic community. First, figure out whether you should address your letter to both of your parents or start by coming out to one. On behalf of the Monty curly High school, I am informing you about the next parent-teacher meeting. Activities, Inter-school competitions, picnics, competitive examinations, projects and exhibitions. Parental involvement is a crucial ingredient in the success of many children. However, in the event of any mishap immediate first aid will be administered and the pupil involved will be sent to Hospital for treatment if necessary. Learn how to write an email about a student’s difficulties in school. Don’t let your email announcements to parents go unnoticed this school year. The School gives equal importance for Extra-curricular activities. Make a list of the intentions or goals you have in writing to the school. 1. Denefield School, a secondary school in Reading link to their lockdown procedure letter on their letters to parent/carers section of their website. Pupils are expected to keep the school premises clean and should not destroy the school plants. Qualified, trained and experienced staff have been appointed to teach and mould the children. All precautions are taken to protect the children from accidents when they are in the school or while playing. Answer (1 of 3): When your child leaves school the authorities should be informed. Commencing legal proceedings Once instructions are received to proceed with legal action against a parent for unpaid fees, the school has already exhausted their efforts in recovering the fees. 11. Writing a letter allows you to reread and rewrite your thoughts if you want. How to Write a Complaint Letter to a School Bus Driver As a teacher, one of the most difficult parts of your job is working with parents. The withdrawal letter should go to the school district where the student attended. Fee Notice for Parents Subject: Letter to Parents For School Fees Dear Parents, We are thankful for your trust in Allied Schools. 16. To meet Teachers – Preprimary Section : 11.55 am – 12:30 pm (on Saturday and after School hours only) The many years I have spent teaching your children have been the most rewarding of my life, but now I must focus on my health and attempt to fight the condition that has afflicted my body. No pupil shall be absent himself/herself without leave previously approved except in case of unforeseen circumstances, applications for leave must be submitted on the following day. No students can leave the school without permission of the Principal. After the 10th of the month. Families need to send this letter, so schools know the child isn’t truant. Date of birth of the Child in BIPS, once recorded by the parent at the time of admission will not be altered under any circumstances. Write a notice for the school notice board informing the students about the visit of the Prime Minister in your school on 20.11.2007. Todd Nesloney , principal of Navasota Intermediate in Texas, sends his students and their parents a letter before school even starts to let them know that they are appreciated and valued. Instead, write a letter to parents and either email it to them directly, or mail a hard copy to their home. Your son/daughter (Name), a student of ‘abc’ grade is very good in studies and his/her teachers always praised your son/daughter. For any emergency and queries please call Mrs Anitha 9844808887, Stay safe,stay healthy,stay alert take care. Regular attendance, alertness in mind and body, prompt completion of homework, obedience and respect towards teachers and other members of staff, gentle and polite behaviour are expected of every pupil. Instead, write a letter to parents and either email it to them directly, or mail a hard copy to their home. Dear Parents, We are thankful for your trust in (School/Institute name). Grade I and above : On the days assign for Parent Teacher meeting/or prior appointment only. Application for leave during the last few days of a term will not be entertained and students who do not attend Classes during these days will not be treated as absentees, even if there is a leave application from their parents. Parents need to keep in mind three important considerations when writing the parent statement, a part of the private school application process. Debt recovery for outstanding fees needs to be undertaken within a framework reflecting each school's policy in the treatment of their students' parents. Promote you Teachers know the saying all too well that it takes more than a village to raise a child, for one - it takes parental involvement. Did you know that some of your students’ parents may send and receive as many as 125 emails per day? 14. 5. Students can wear any decent dress on their birthday. Banning parents from school premises This page explains the law on barring a parent from entering the premises of a school including how a parent can make representations about this and the consequences of breaching a bar. To meet Principal/Headmistress : 11.00 am – 12.00 noon (on prior appointment) on working days 19. 9. Online assignments will be monitored and recorded weekly. Notice Writing. , which teaches churches how to launch their own websites: I know that the word ‘announcement’ evokes the image of one person standing in front of a crowd proclaiming some important news, but that’s not how, Last, but certainly not least, you’ll want to highlight important information using the, Specific dates when something is due (field trip forms, signup sheets for events), Parent teacher meeting times and schedules, A good rule of thumb when it comes to highlighting certain aspects of your email is to bold or underline. All instructions issued from time to time should be carefully complied with. The note should be sent with the child when he returns to school to ensure that the absence is excused. Dear Parents, It is with deep sadness that I send to you this letter informing you of my resignation as the sixth grade teacher at Bennett Elementary School. While going to the Assembly, P.T. A holiday notice letter is used as a formal notice to inform one’s boss about the actual dates of his holidays. However, remedial classes will be organized at no extra cost for the identified slow learners. Download this handy checklist in order to create announcements that parents actually want to read. All new admissions to Pre Primary section will be made at the beginning of the session. 6. Teachers will make use of the school diary to communicate with parents. Grade VIII, IX & X – ICSE & STATE – Internal assessment test formative test study material sent according to their respective groups. 21. Such pupils should be withdrawn compulsorily. This is usually written after informing the boss unofficially about his tentative holiday plans beforehand. The Children are exposed to various S.U.P.W. The management of school Your parents will have time to process and respond thoughtfully and calmly. 8. Transport charges payable by the students commuting by school van should be paid half yearly in months of June and December by the 10th of these months. 12. School Trip Announcement Letter to Parents Template By Scholastica Travel July 1, 2013 January 10th, 2017 4 Comments We are with you from start to … Girls with long hair should have them neatly plaited with black ribbon or normal days and white ribbon or PT days. You want your letter to get your parent's attention, allow them … 5. 20. Using a simple shortcode, you can set up your emails to pull the name of your parents and address them personally with each email. School Working hours: 8.45 am to 3.35 pm Student should be punctual to School. Once the van facilities is enrolled, it should continue till the end of the academic year. A school transfer letter is written when a student wants to continue with his or her study in another school after leaving his or her previous school. It has come to our notice that your son Tom Hanks is not taking interest in his studies diligently and the result of recent examinations is the proof of his decline. Pupils must take part in school games and other activities unless declared physically unfit or exempted by the Principal. In case of absence, no re-examination will be conducted. How to Write a Complaint Letter to a School Bus Driver As a teacher, one of the most difficult parts of your job is working with parents. Find out how to write effective announcements today. How to Write a Notice? After the said period, the name of the pupil will be struck off. Grade I to X : Monday to Thursday – Regular Uniform. Writing an email to parents or other caregivers? 5 Ways Going Paperless Can Save Your School Money. Pre Primary : Monday to Thursday – Regular Uniform. If the school fails to send you prior written notice, it’s violating the law. A Zoom Parent/Guardian Consent and Release for Video/Audio Conferencing during COVID-19 School Closure Form will be sent to each parent via technology or paper copy to be signed before a student can participate in a video/audio instruction. Please judge this letter as a formal invitation to the parent-teacher meeting. 22. Pupils are advised not to remain absent for any tests, Mid Term Exam and Annual Examination. Those items are generally the most important to parents. III Quarterly Fee : To be paid by 10th of November IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PARENTS Students who have not completed the above requirements by the first day of school will not be allowed to attend school until these requirements are met. It is not advisable for pupils to have money or valuable articles with them. 1. 7. When you want to send a letter of introduction to parents, start composing it several weeks before the start of the school year, so that you'll have time to edit it, mail it, and get it to parents well before the school year begins. Your son Hamza Razzaq, student of 10th grade is very good in studies and her teachers always Absentism during terms is not allowed. Tuition fees should be paid Quarterly in June, September, December and March. The importance of diary work at home and in the class must be emphasized and the tendency to relax during the normal school section and somehow study during the examination time to just pass must be discouraged by the parents. Reasons for dismissal Notice-Dance competition our school is organizing a dance competition on 10-10-2011 in school Inter-school competitions picnics! Tuitions by the parent will write to the school affiliated to other boards have! 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