During the first winter nearly onehalf their number died from exposure, and the relations of the survivors with their partners of the London Company, who had insisted that for seven years the plantation should be managed as a joint stock company, were unsatisfactory. On exposure to meteoric influences pyrites commonly becomes brown, by formation of ferric hydrate or limonite, whence the change is called "limonitization.". It dissolves in acids forming cobaltous salts, and on exposure to air it rapidly absorbs oxygen, turning brown in colour. It oxidizes on exposure with considerable evolution of heat; it rapidly absorbs carbon dioxide; and readily dissolves in acids to form ferrous salts, which are usually white when anhydrous, but greenish when hydrated. audible beep at the end of each exposure, and optional seconds tick whilst the enlarger is switched on. 'The leaf-forms are very varied and owe their existence to the advantage accruing from the exposure of a large surface to the influence of the light. You can use the guide number to work out the lens aperture for the correct exposure at any distance. 24 examples: It is important also to establish, where possible, specific biological markers… Potassium phenolate, C 6 H 5 OK, crystallizes in fine needles, is very hygroscopic and oxidizes rapidly on exposure. i., followed by (2) a warning not to worship according to the Greeks, with an exposure of various forms of idolatry; (3) a warning not to worship according to the Jews - although they alone think they know the true God - for they worship angels and are superstitious about moons and sabbaths, and feasts, comp. She dried her clothes by exposure to the sun: 13. The sovereign, Phra Paramendr Maha Mongkut, was a very accomplished man, an enlightened reformer and devoted to science; his death, indeed, was caused by fatigue and exposure while observing an eclipse. chisel when first quarried but exposure to the wind soon hardens it. 324050I caught cold from exposureto the night fog. The exposure of these facts turned the whole thing into ridicule, and gave parliament an excuse for postponing measures of organic reform which might otherwise have been brought forward. Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words. Exposure is the harmful effect on your body caused by very cold weather. The peculiar form of the tube is eminently suited for rigid preservation of the relative parallelism of the axes of the two telescopes, so that,;i the image of a certain selected star is retained on the intersection of two wires of the micrometer, by means of the driving clock, aided by small corrections given by the observer in right ascension and declination (required on account of irregularity in the clock movement, error in astronomical adjustment of the polar axis, or changes in the star's apparent place produced by refraction), the image of a star will continue on the same spot of the photographic film during the whole time of exposure. It is in most instances traceable to exposure to cold or damp, to overuse of the limbs in walking, &c. Any source of pressure upon the nerve within the pelvis, such as may be produced by a tumour or even by constipation of the bowels, may excite an attack of sciatica. Examples of exposure in a Sentence children's exposure to violence on television He risks exposure to ridicule by saying such things in public. And, the HSC has said that the new occupational exposure limits cannot be derived for mineral or water-mix metalworking fluids. Potassium ruthenate, K2Ru04 H20, obtained by fusion of the metal with caustic potash and nitre, crystallizes in prisms which become covered with a black deposit on exposure to moist air. . Exposure definition: Exposure to something dangerous means being in a situation where it might affect you. The exposure from Girls surely will be salutary by getting OCD the disease out in the open. chelate>Chelating agents would only be effective in the early stages around the time of exposure. From Cambridge English Corpus The duration of exposure, the frequency of exposure and the concentration of the insult (exposure) are elements in triggering immune system response. Should a person be infected with latent malaria, heat exposure is very likely to induce an acute malarial attack and the combination is almost certain to lead to hyperpyrexia. dietary exposure to dioxins, the report finds, is to reduce consumption of animal fat. The length of exposure to a magnet for healing certain ailments was also determined. That's why the astronauts wore dosimeters to measure the actual exposure. Diphenylfulven, from benzophenone and cyclo-pentadiene, crystallizes in deep red prisms. Exposure of bacteria to reactive oxygen intermediates can have a mutagenic effect on the DNA. They are colourless crystalline solids which turn brown on exposure. In April 1874 a case was recorded of exposure in an open boat for 32 days of three men and two boys, with only ten days' provisions, exclusive of old boots and jelly-fish. Nodules of flint when removed from the chalk which encloses them have a white dull rough surface, and exposure to the weather produces much the same appearance on broken flints. allergen exposure: health aspects of indoor air: Berzelius Symposium XXVIII. Arist. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples However, high concentrations or extended periods of exposure can have serious health effects. He nearly died of exposure on the cold mountain. If the plants are subjected to some process, before mounting, by which injurious organisms are destroyed, such as exposure in a closed chamber to vapour of carbon bisulphide for some hours, the presence of pieces of camphor or naphthalene in the cabinet will be found a sufficient preservative. The ripening process must be brought about by free exposure to light, and by the application of a little extra heat with dryness, if the season should be unfavourable; and both roots and tops must submit to a limitation of their water supply. In the past 7 years, nearly a third of all fatalities in the surface engineering industry have been from exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbons. Auric oxide, Au203, is a brown powder, decomposed into its elements when heated to about 250° or on exposure to light. Document Back to previous page Are natural dietary constituents limiting for protection against light exposure? As bankers we are primarily concerned with our exposure to the original obligor. The service was one of great exposure and privation; for two years and a half, Farragut wrote, he never owned a bed, but lay down to rest wherever he found the most comfortable berth. An IASB exposure draft for Phase I is expected in the first quarter of 2003 with a final standard in 2004. In the older districts there is a countless variety of narrow gloomy streets, many of them steep. Exposure to cold after heat, the use of unripe fruit, and intemperance in eating and drinking should be forbidden; and the utmost care taken as to the quality of the food and drinking water. If you are convicted of a second offense for indecent exposure or have a prior conviction for lewd acts with a minor under California Penal Code section 288, the offense can be charged as a felony. It slowly decomposes in moist air, liberating sulphuretted hydrogen, and with water it gives a yellow solution which becomes colourless on exposure. Exposure to sunlight converts it into trimesic acid (benzene-1.3.5-tricarboxylic acid). The neighbouring cliffs exhibit in many places columns similar to those of the Giant's Causeway, a considerable exposure of them being visible at a distance of Soo to 600 yds. Coleman in turn informed the duke, and he, since the immediate exposure of the plot was of the utmost consequence to him, induced Charles to compel Oates to appear (28th September) before the privy council. This oxide is slightly basic. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. The ninth has no allusion to determine its date, but it is written with the same outspoken freedom as the second and the sixth, and belongs to the period when the poet's power was most vigorous, and his exposure of vice most uncompromising. Aniline hydrochloride forms large colourless tables, which become greenish on exposure; it is the "aniline salt" of commerce. It is a bluish-green powder, which on exposure rapidly combines with the oxygen of the air. All coasts in the world which are much intersected by deep fjords have, with very few exceptions, a western exposure, e.g. The letters bearing the name of Phalaris (148 in number) are now chiefly remembered for the crushing exposure they received at the hands of Richard Bentley in his controversy with the Hon. most woods in durability, and none stand better alternate exposure to drought and moisture, while under cover it is nearly indestructible as long as dry-rot is prevented by free admission of air. The exposure of the minister's love affair forced him to resign: 9. exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful: 10. exposure to radiation can lead to malformation of the embryo: 11. Cow's milk exposure and type I diabetes mellitus. It is soluble in water, the solution gradually decomposing with deposition of tellurium; it also decomposes on exposure to light. Lung function changes associated with chronic exposure to photochemical oxidants: a cohort study among never smokers. The precipitate so obtained is a brown amorphous solid which readily oxidizes on exposure, and is decomposed by heat with liberation of hydrogen and formation of the sesquioxide. The two most important points of contrast between the geology of Ireland and that of England are, firstly, the great exposure of `Carboniferous rocks in Ireland, Mesozoic strata being almost absent; and, secondly, the presence of volcanic rocks in place of the marine Eocene of England. This period of open-air exposure allows the process of rust to start under the scales. However, for repeat offenders or more serious cases, a prison sentence of up to 24 months can be imposed. Heating or exposure to sunlight reduces it to the red oxide; it fires when ground with sulphur, and oxidizes ammonia to nitric acid, with the simultaneous formation of ammonium nitrate. High quality example sentences with “overseas exposure” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English However with the correct mitigation put forward by an experienced lawyer prison can often be avoided even in respect of repeat offenders. The Territory increased in population and more rapidly in wealth, owing chiefly to the large profits in cattle raising, though this prosperity suffered a check during the severe winter of 1886-1887, when nearly three-fourths of the range cattle died of exposure. Buchu leaves contain a volatile oil, which is of a dark yellow colour, and deposits a form of camphor on exposure to air, a liquid hydro-carbon being the solvent of the camphor within the oil-glands. Ongoing investigations deal with the health implication of exposure to both the allergens and the fungal metabolites. It forms colourless, monoclinic prisms, which turn brown on exposure to air. The relative humidity of the air along the shores of the Gulf is high, so that exposure to the direct and reflected rays of the sun and radiation from the hot soil are encountered in a moist atmosphere. An overexposed image is too light overall (left). In 1527 he sailed from Cuba with about 600 men (soon reduced to less than 400), landed (early in 1528) probably at the present site of Pensacola, and for six months remained in the country, he and his men suffering terribly from exposure, hunger and fierce Indian attacks. In 1591 young O'Donnell made two attempts to escape, the second of which proved successful; and after enduring terrible privations from exposure in the mountains he made his way to Tyrconnel, where in the following year his father handed the chieftainship over to him. It was an inevitable corollary that what should be a corporate benefit has just become a corporate exposure! mycobacteriumtensive literature supporting the view that prior exposure to environmental mycobacteria compromises vaccination in both humans and cattle. By his exposure of the Wilson scandal, and by his personal plain speaking, M. It rapidly oxidizes on exposure to air and turns brown, going ultimately to the sesquioxide. The FT spectrographs take advantage of a new, large-format CCD which allows very broad spectral coverage in a single exposure. The slow exposure, produced a ghostly halo around the fish. Exposure to lead and other heavy metals has been linked to high blood pressure in some, 26 but not all, research. interspecific differences in height growth occurred at the medium crown exposure classes. But to get that exposure, the sponsorship must be there. That might be the result of too much exposure to the elements. At least one network has been trying to expand his exposure. Another word for exposure. By evaporating in vacuo the solution obtained by dissolving iron in hydrochloric acid, there results bluish, monoclinic crystals of FeCl24H20, which deliquesce, turning greenish, on exposure to air, and effloresce in a desiccator. Fatal anaphylaxis followed aprotinin exposure in a local application of fibrin glue [22] . Apply it 30 minutes before exposure and reapply every 2 hours. Depending on the levels of noise exposure, your employer must; What do I have to do? Exposure definition, the act of exposing, laying open, or uncovering: the sudden exposure of objects that were hidden under the blanket. The methods of bleaching by oxygen include all those which aim at the bleaching by exposure to the air and to sunlight (as in the case of artists' linseed-oil), or where oxygen or ozone is introduced in the form of gas or is evolved by chemicals, as manganese dioxide, potassium bichromate or potassium permanganate and sulphuric acid.. Fever, dysentery and ophthalmia, chiefly due to exposure to heavy dews and cold nights, are prevalent. The circumstance that the gold turned black on exposure to the humid air (owing to the presence of silver) gave the name of Ouro Preto to the mountain spur and the settlement. Potential triggers to develop PCT are alcohol excess, pregnancy, use of estrogen, exposure to poly aromatic hydrocarbons and cigarette smoking. Over the course of one or more training periods your LX90GPS will minimize guiding corrections during long exposure astrophotography. A native plaster is yielded by the Arikaree and Ogallala rocks, but though otherwise of excellent qualities it is ruined by slight exposure to the water. Finally, on one occasion Hodson spent £500 of the pay due to Lieutenant Godby, and under threat of exposure was obliged to borrow the money from a native banker through one of his officers named Bisharat Ali. 6. Taxation Our tax specialists provide guidance which enables clients to minimize exposure to unnecessary tax burdens. Comparisons and alternative interpretations are also considered. Owing to the anarchy which prevailed during the 10th, 11th and 12th centuries, facilities of communication disappeared almost entirely, even for men of rank a long journey involved danger of starvation or fatal exposure, and the pains and perils of travel became a household word among the people. New Lords ruling could put asbestos claims at risk Workers who develop cancer from asbestos exposure will have to fight harder to prove liability. Ferrous salts also give a bluish white precipitate with ferrocyanide, which on exposure turns to a dark blue; ferric salts are characterized by the intense purple coloration with a thiocyanate. I'm not saying exposure to a unique power load might not somehow intensify his imagination and perhaps cause heightened awareness; I'm simply stating there isn't some time machine or magical forest upstairs. Exposure to radiation can lead to malformation of the embryo. The red gneisses near Tarr Head probably represent intrusive granite; and this small north-eastern exposure is representative of the Dalradian series which covers so wide a field from central Londonderry to the coast of Donegal. Example sentences for: exposure How can you use “exposure” in a sentence? Exposure A measure of the amount of light in which a photo was taken. Calcining furnaces have a less extended application, being chiefly employed in the conversion of metallic sulphides into oxides by continued exposure to the action of air at a temperature far below that of fusion, or into chlorides by roasting with common salt. If the exposure times, atmospheric transparency or sky brightness have varied, then data must be ` normalized ' before combination. nitrogen monoxide Properties: Colorless gas which is immediately oxidized upon exposure to air to brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide. Some of these cases have occurred after exposure to parvovirus or modified live parvovirus vaccine. accumulative exposure to changes in humidity showing the period of time that has exceeded 58% RH. The nitrate, Ni(NO 3) 2.6H 2 O, is obtained by dissolving the metal in dilute nitric acid and concentrating the solution between 40° and 50° C. It crystallizes in green prisms which deliquesce rapidly on exposure to moist air. Evaluation of the bioeffects of prenatal ultrasound exposure in the cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis ): II. For example, if a person jumps into a swimming pool and the force of the water on the bathing suit causes an accidental and unintended exposure, this requirement would not be satisfied. water-tight to begin with, the alternate immersion and exposure to air and sunshine promotes expansion and contraction, and induces rapid disintegration, leakage and decay. Though fusible at a very low temperature, and very soft, it has great power of resisting decay from damp or exposure. This worked well and gave me an exposure of about half a second, But the release was still a shade too jerky. He had lost his seat for Bristol two years before, in consequence of his courageous advocacy of a measure of tolerance for the Catholics, and his still more courageous exposure of the enormities of the commercial policy of England towards Ireland. light meterhe difference between incident and reflected light exposure meters. The electrical resistance is about that of ordinary glass, and is diminished by one-half during exposure by Rntgen rays; the dielectric constant (16) is greater than that which should correspond to the specific gravity. McMillans Solicitors have represented numerous clients for this offence and have NEVER had a client sent to prison. In 1993, North Carolina amended its indecent expos This solution is of a deep violetred colour, and is somewhat fluorescent; it decomposes on exposure to light, or when heated. The restraint and sudden exposure of their necks must be stressful, and the neck incision must be painful. Examples of exposure to in a sentence: 1. For the exposure compensation setting, I have found that +0.5 to +1 stops seems to work best for my set-up. Disease comes from exposure to various nasty micro- organisms, and from genetic infirmities. Such a species as Delesseria sanguinea or Callophyllis laciniata would on the contrary run great risk by exposure for even a short period. The court should determine the offence category using the table below.The court should determine culpability and harm caused or intended, by reference only to the factors below, which comprise the principal factual elements of the offence. Exposure to desiccation. 154+13 sentence examples: 1. 12. Exposure to something dangerous means being in a situation where it might affect you. It turns brown-red on exposure to air, and is inflammable. Duration of the exposure was originally anticipated to last for a period of 10-12 months for retrieval in early 1985. The greatest care requires to be taken by white races to avoid exposure to the sun and heat. The rock on the surface is as hard as flint, but underneath it gradually softens and furnishes an admirable stone for building which can be sawn into blocks of any size, hardening on exposure to the atmosphere. She suffered a massive exposure to toxic chemicals. Exposure to ultra-violet rays from the sun can lead to skin cancer, so it is necessary to cover yourself with sunscreen. It forms a golden yellow crystalline mass, which sublimes slowly in vacuo, and melts at 25.5° C. It blackens on exposure to moisture, and decomposes when exposed to light. It is much employed for house-building; most of the picturesque log-houses in Vaud and the adjacent cantons are built of squared larch trunks, and derive their fine brown tint from the hardened resin that slowly exudes from the wood after long exposure to the summer sun; the wooden shingles, that in Switzerland supply the place of tiles, are also frequently of larch. 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