Of 1500 species of herbaceous plants in the Red river basin, it is estimated that fully half reach here their geographical limit or limit of frequent occurrence. The fleet returned in April 1684, and a few months after, upon a vacancy occurring in the see of Bath and Wells, Ken, now Dr Ken, was appointed bishop. With respect to the sense organs of the Nemertines, we find that eyes are of rather constant occurrence, although many Heteronemertines living in the mud appear to be blind. Haley’s Comet is an occurrence that takes place approximately every seventy-six years. In this deposit the occurrence of calcareous concretions is very characteristic, as L. This fact, together with the extraordinarily rare occurrence of such remains and meteoric particles in globigerina ooze, although there is no reason to suppose that at any one time they are unequally distributed over the ocean floor, can only be explained on the assumption that the rate of formation of the epilophic deposits through the accumulation of pelagic shells falling from the surface is rapid enough to bury the slowgathering material which remains uncovered on the spaces where the red clay is forming at an almost infinitely slower rate. We asked a premium bonds boffin to calculate the odds against such an occurrence. The first occurrence of it is. The basin thus presents interesting problems. The occurrence list of example sentences with occurrence. This island is composed of micro-granite with riebeckite, of great interest on account of the rare occurrence of this type in Britain. The occurrence of sin 4 as a factor in (6) shows that the relative intensities of the primary light and of that diffracted in the direction B depend upon the condition of the former as regards polarization. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Sanguinary crimes were thus of everyday occurrence in the royal household; and frequently it was merely a matter of chance whether the father anticipated the son, or the son the father. The only occurrence in old Jewish literature (except in Ecclus. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. The survival of the non-Aryan language among the Basques around the west Pyrenees has suggested the attempt to interpret by its means a large class of similarsounding place-names of ancient Spain, some of which are authenticated by their occurrence on the inscribed coins, and to link it with other traces of non-Aryan speech round the shores of the Western Mediterranean and on the Atlantic seaboard of Europe. The development of Balanoglossus takes place according to two different schemes, known as direct and indirect, correlated with the occurrence in the group of two kinds of ova, large and small. Birds being of all animals most particularly adapted for extended and rapid locomotion, it became necessary for him to eliminate from his consideration those groups, be they small or large, which are of more or less universal occurrence, and to ground his results on what was at that time commonly known as the order Insessores or Passeres, comprehending the orders now differentiated as Passeriformes, Coraciiformes and Cuculiformes, in other words the mass of arboreal birds. This occurrence must have taken place about 1782. The occurrence of long and short shoots is a characteristic feature of many conifers. The great Yashts are not of very frequent occurrence in the manuscripts: some of them, indeed, are already met with but seldom, and MSS. Nothwithstanding repeated remonstrances and threats, scarcely a year passed without the occurrence of several raids in British territory headed by Bhutia officials, in which they plundered the inhabitants, massacred them, or carried them away as slaves. Fights were a daily occurrence. Throughout the world, primary deposits of tinstone are in or closely connected with granite or acid eruptive rocks of the same type, its mineral associates being tourmaline, fluorspar, topaz, wolfram and arsenical pyrites, and the invariable gangue being quartz: the only exception to this mode of occurrence is to be found in Bolivia, where the tin ore occurs intimately associated with silver ores, bismuth ores and various sulphides, whilst the gangue includes barytes and certain carbonates. Until the British occupation of Burma but little was known as to its occurrence, though it had been worked for centuries and was highly valued by the natives and by the Chinese. Regeneration of the tentacular end of the animal is of frequent occurrence. There appears to be evidence that some species are occasionally or normally oviparous, and in the supposed oviparous species the oviduct opens at the end of a papilla called from its supposed function an ovipositor, but the oviparity has not yet been certainly proved as a normal occurrence. Football Fever has never been an annual occurrence in these parts. Copper carbonates are of wide occurrence in the mineral kingdom, and constitute the valuable ores malachite and azurite. So long as we confine our attention to one or two individuals, we fail to detect any order in the occurrence of variations; but when we examine large numbers we find that it is possible to arrange them in an orderly series, which can be easily and simply described. The occurrence of hybrids in nature explains the difficulty experienced by botanists in deciding on what is a species, and the widely different limitations of the term adopted by different observers in the case of willows, roses, brambles, &c. The artificial process is practically the same in hybridization as in cross-fertilization, but usually requires more care. Despite their rare occurrence, the males of over one hundred and twenty species have now been recognized, and we may well believe that all species will be found to present males. A verb is a word used to describe an action, state or occurrence. From the mode of destruction of the city these upper floors were in most cases crushed in and destroyed, and hence it was long believed that the houses for the most part had but one storey; but recent researches have in many cases brought to light incontestable evidence of the existence of an upper floor, and the frequent occurrence of a small staircase is in itself sufficient proof of the fact. occurrence in a sentence | Sentence examples by Cambridge Dictionary. 2. Now Fresnel's formulae were obtained by assuming that the incident, reflected and refracted vibrations are in the same or opposite phases at the interface of the media, and since there is no real factor that converts cos T into cos (T+p), he inferred that the occurrence of imaginary expressions for the coefficients of vibration denotes a change of phase other than 7r, this being represented by a change of sign. Complaints seemed to be an everyday occurrence. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The German portion of the peninsula is generally similar to that of western Jutland, the main difference lying in the occurrence of islands (the North Frisian) off the west coast in place of sand-bars and lagoons. Shipwrecks were of common occurrence, and occasionally the number of disasters was appalling. How to use occur in a sentence. From this point of view it is easy to explain the occurrence of creed-like phrases in the New Testament as fragments of early hymns (r Tim. You can now buy bonds whose payments are tied to the occurrence of hurricanes or to the receipts of rock stars. As the tench is of comparatively uncommon occurrence in unenclosed waters, its place among the indigenous fishes of Great Britain has been denied, and it has been supposed to have been introduced from the Continent; a view which, however, is not supported by any evidence, and is practically disposed of by the fact that fossil remains of the fish are found in the Pleistocene deposits of Great Britain. The occurrence of xerophytic characters in plants of this type has given rise to. Floods are of common occurrence, and descend very suddenly. It is noteworthy that a molar from the Tertiary of India has been referred to Agriochoerus, a determination which if correct probably indicates the occurrence of Oreodonts in the unknown Tertiary deposits of Central Asia. It is therefore obviously much thicker than the clitellum in the limicolous forms. Basic copper phosphates are of frequent occurrence in the mineral kingdom. Leishman, " On the possibility of the occurrence of trypanosomiasis in India," Brit. They may be propagated by seed (though owing to the rare occurrence of fruit, this method is seldom applicable), by division and by cuttings. Incidents illustrative of this custom are of frequent occurrence in early history and tradition. 2 : the action or process of happening There's been a lower occurrence of the disease. The Inverell occurrence may prove to be another example of diamond crystallized from a basic rock. 0 (From de Rossi.) The Incarnation was no isolated historical occurrence, but it is repeated over and over again in the faithful, each one of whom is in a certain sense God, by virtue of the indwelling Spirit. The presence of hypodermal fibres is another feature worthy of note, but the occurrence of these elements is too closely connected with external conditions to be of much systematic value. It is well known that he fed on inspirations, and expected each day the advent of some supernatural occurrence which should bring about the triumph of the Church. It was after the Eocene period that the main part of the elevation of the Himalayas took place, as is shown by the occurrence of nummulitic limestone at a height of 20,000 ft. His greatest and least mean hourly values and the hours of their occurrence are as follows: Gockel did not observe between 10 P.M. without the occurrence of any event worthy of being chronicled, till suddenly one night at ten o'clock the water was found to shoal, without any sign of breakers or land. The western half of the basin occupies a trough of synclinal structure; but the making of this syndine is so ancient that it cannot be directly connected with the occurrence of the lake to-day. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus. Special attention may be drawn to two phenomena connected with it, both of not uncommon occurrence in mimetic Lepidoptera. frequency of occurrence in the population of any particular style characteristic? The tidal currents, or races, or roost (as some of them are called locally, from the Icelandic) off many of the isles run with enormous velocity, and whirlpools are of frequent occurrence, and strong enough at times to prove a source of danger to small craft. In 1895 the single well then supplying Eastbourne was almost suddenly rendered unfit for use, and few years pass without some similar occurrence of a more or less serious kind. use "occurrence" in a sentence The likelihood of the occurrence of prejudice and discriminatory behavior is increased by stereotypes. The suspicion of some earlier scholars that the Praefatio and the Versus might be a modern forgery is refuted by the occurrence of the word vitteas, which is the Old Saxon fittea, corresponding to the Old English fitt, which means a "canto" of a poem. This is considered different than an accident, because an occurrence does not have to be sudden and unexpected. Gaol deliveries were of rare occurrence, even when tardy trial ended in acquittal release was delayed until illegal charges in the way of fees had been satisfied. The occurrence of an event in a single patient is defined as common in view of the number of patients treated. The occurrence of mammals of the Marsupial order in the Molucca Islands and Celebes, while none have been found in the adjacent islands of Java and Borneo, lying on the west of Wallace's line, or in the Indian region, shows that the margin of the Australian region has here been reached. It is true that these fossils are not invariably present in every occurrence of Cambrian strata, but this fact notwithstanding, the threefold division holds with sufficient constancy. Tradeunionism flourishes in Denmark, and strikes are of frequent occurrence. If you are not sure what their meaning is, then you are welcome to look it up in a dictionary of your choice.In fact the answer you accepted is just a dictionary quote. Although petroleum wells in Russia have not the depth of many of those in the United States, the disturbed character of the strata, with consequent liability to caving, and the occurrence of hard concretions, render drilling a lengthy and expensive Drilling in operation. Divorce was an easy matter, and of frequent occurrence; but, as a rule, a divorced wife would not marry again without the consent of her former husband. Verbs. A physical occurrence is but the occasion (opportunity, occasional cause) on which God excites in me a corresponding mental state; the exercise of my will is the occasion on which God moves my body. Serious deadlocks are of comparatively rare occurrence. The asexual cells are termed tetraspores on account of the usual occurrence of four in each sporangium. The occurrence marked him out for promotion by a Liberal Government, and in the autumn he received from Lord Brougham as chancellor the living of Kirby-underDale in Yorkshire. For a comparative study of the occurrence of the ark in the various deluge myths, in the present edition, see Deluge; Cosmogony; Babylonia And Assyria. Earthquake shocks are of frequent occurrence, but the city rarely suffers any material damage. The occurrence of such a series of Tertiary deposits appears to be unknown elsewhere. Noetling, " The Occurrence of Petroleum in Burma, and its Technical Exploitation," Mem. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Pierre paid no more attention to this occurrence than to the rest of what went on, having made up his mind once for all that what he saw happening around him that evening was in some way essential. Returning to the court of Uzbeg, at Sarai on the Volga, he crossed the steppes to Khwarizm and Bokhara; thence through Khorasan and Kabul, and over the Hindu Kush (to which he gives that name, its first occurrence). those descending from Geuksun (Cocysus), Albistan-Yarpuz (Arabissus), and Malatia (Melitene)---is shown to have had early importance, not only by the occurrence of Marasi in Assyrian inscriptions, but by the discovery of several "Hittite" monuments on the spot. That she was a meretrix is clear from many indications-her special accomplishments, her house in the Subura, the occurrence of scenes like those in i. Occurrence in a sentence. quartz replacing other minerals, is of frequent occurrence, and as a petrifying material replacing organic remains it is often met with. Special outgrowths, arils, of the seed-coat are of frequent occurrence. Arrested slumber was becoming a common occurrence in David Dean's bedroom. Apparently the odds were in my favor that this was a freak occurrence and in all probability would never happen again. Stopping for wildlife is a common occurrence in Yellowstone. 2 On a wrongly supposed much earlier occurrence of the name Achlamu, see Klio, vi. Finally there is the remarkable occurrence in the blue ground of the African pipes. Rape and robbery are routine occurrences along the convoluted underground routes. Human sacrifices were of daily occurrence. The first mode of occurrence is of little significance practically, for the crystalline rocks generally contain too little phosphate to be valuable, though occasionally an igneous rock may contain enough apatite to form an inferior fertilizing agent, e.g. The chief geological formations of Buru are crystalline slate near the north coast, and more to the south Mesozoic sandstone and chalk, deposits of rare occurrence in the archipelago. Individuals reproduce unexpectedly the traits of earlier ancestors, and ethnologists and criminologists frequently explain by "atavism" the occurrence of degenerate species of man; but the whole subject is complicated by other possible explanations of such phenomena, included in the scientific study of normal "variation.". At a certain temperature a stage will be reached in which it is a frequent occurrence for a molecule to wander so far from its position of equilibrium, that it does not return but falls into a new position of equilibrium and oscillates about this. Parthenogenesis is of normal occurrence in the life-cycle of many Hymenoptera. Storms of extreme violence, accompanied by torrential rain, and in rare instances by hailstones, are of not uncommon occurrence. Thenceforth the name of "magister Vacarius" is of very frequent occurrence, in papal letters and the chronicles of the period, as acting in these capacities. thenogenesis being of normal occurrence among most of them. Or replace just the third occurrence of a cell address in some cells ' formulas? Of course we are unable to say whether such a region is an actuality in the sun, on the earth it is an exception and transient, but the greater the dimensions of the body the more probable is its occurrence. 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