May 2021 Holiday Calendar. International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. 17 Jan 2021, 15:53; Updated: 17 Jan 2021, 15:53; ... People arriving in Britain may be forced to quarantine in a hotel with facial-recognition tech ensuring they do … Last modified on Mon 18 Jan 2021 23.36 EST People should plan for a “great British summer”, the health secretary has said, suggesting that holidays abroad may … Bag one of our May holiday deals and blow the cobwebs of winter away. At National Today, we love celebrating 129 December holidays. 01 Sat. We want to include them all! version : 'v6.0' EU Public Holidays 2021 The table below contains the list of official EU (European Union) public holidays for the calendar year 2021. T&Cs apply. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); , [wpforms id="8315" title="false" description="false"],
, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Melanoma / Skin Cancer Detection & Prevention Month, International Day for Biological Diversity. 01 Sat. status : false, So why not reward yourself with a holiday in the sun? in the month of May. and Kerry Bacon, of Healthy Diet Habits, Copyright © 2012-2021 From Self Catering to All Inclusive holidays, in May there are oodles of getaways to choose from. International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, International Year of Indigenous Languages, International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, International Year of Small Island Developing States, International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Below you will find our listing of May Holidays and Observances that fall Our Mom, Thelma Smith, at Leigh's son, Ryan's wedding on 07-27-07 at the Catalina Country Club on Catalina Island. Go to Holidays and Observances Alphabetical Listing, Return from May Holidays to Holidays By Month, Return from May Holidays to Holidays and Observances Home Page, By Leigh Storz, of Storz Website Designs, }); Canada Public Holidays 2021 ; This page contains a national calendar of all 2021 public holidays for Canada. The qppstudio worldwide public holidays database for 2022, 2023 ... May 2: Sunday: Bulgaria, Cyprus*, Greece, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia: May 3: Monday: Feel free to check other sections of the website for other holidays. Tax … } A page on each holiday will be coming soon and linked below. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates. window.fbl_started = false; Cannes International Film Festival - May 11-22, 2021 in Cannes, France is the most prestigious and most publicized film festival in the World. Bizarre, Crazy, Silly, Unknown Holidays & Observances May is named after the Roman goddess Maia, who oversaw the growth of plants. Checkout our collection of calendars with holidays.Our list includes a 2021, 2022 holiday calendar with US federal holidays and observance days, Canadian national holidays, funny holidays, as well as United Nations International sanctioned observance days. May 2021 Calendar with Holidays in printable format - United States. What holiday is today? Baby Day. Astronomy Day. if(window.fbl_started) Loyalty Day. View here the holidays in the United States in 2021, including 2021 Holidays and also every other holiday in the USA. 2021 Holidays + Fun, Weird and Special Days. United States 2021 holiday calendar with all major holidays and observances. js = d.createElement(s); = id; Mollusk Day - May 8, 2021 (Saturday of First Full Week in May), Mother Ocean Day - May 8, 2021 (Saturday before, National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day - May 8, 2021, National Archery Day - May 8, 2021 (Second Saturday in May), National Babysitters Day - May 8, 2021 (Saturday before, National Dog Mom's Day - May 8, 2021 (Saturday before, National Give Someone a Cupcake Day - May 8, National Miniature Golf Day - May 8, 2021 (Second Saturday in May), National Train Day - May 8, 2021 (Held on the Saturday closest to May 10th), National Windmill Day - May 8, 2021 (Second Saturday in May), Stay Up All Night - May 8, 2021 (Second Saturday in May), Sun Awareness Day - May 8, 2021 (Second Saturday in May), World Belly Dance Day - May 8, 2021 (Second Saturday in May), World Buckfast Day - May 8, 2021 (Second Saturday in May), World Fair Trade Day - May 8, 2021 (Second Saturday in May), Mother's At the Wall Day - May 9, 2021 (Always, National Butterscotch Brownie Day - May 9, National Veal Ban Action Day - May 9, 2021 (Second Sunday in May), Tear The Tags off the Mattress Day - May 9, Confederate Memorial Day - May 10, 2021 (States of North Carolina and South Carolina), National Women's Check-up Day - May 10, 2021 (Monday following, National Foam Rolling Day (RE: Massage) - May 11, Sex Differences in Health Awareness Day - May 11, 2021 (Tuesday of National Women's Health Week), Donate a Day's Wages to Charity - May 12, 2021 (Second Wednesday in May), Free Cone Day (Haagen-Dazs) - May 12, 2020 (2021 TBA), International Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day - May 12, National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day - May 12, National Night Shift Workers Day - May 12, 2021 (Second Wednesday in May), National Receptionists Day - May 12, 2021 (Second Wednesday in May), National School Nurse Day - May 12, 2021 (Wednesday of National Nurse Week which is always on May 6-12), National Third Shift Workers Day - May 12, 2021 (Second Wednesday in May), Root Canal Appreciation Day - May 12, 2021 (Second Wednesday in May), World Facilities Management Day - May 12, 2021 (Wednesday of the Second Full Week in May), IEEE Global Engineering the Future Day - May 13, Fintastic Friday: Giving Sharks a Voice - May 14, 2021 (Second Friday in May), The Stars and Stripes Forever Day - May 14, Armed Forces Day - May 15, 2021 (Third Saturday in May), Astronomy Day - May 15, 2021 (A Saturday from mid-April to mid May, on or before 1st quarter moon), Culture Freedom Day - May 15, 2021 (Third Saturday in May), Do Dah Day (Salute to Silliness) - May 15, 2021 (Third Saturday in May), Hyperemisis Gravidarum Awareness Day - May 15, International Conscientious Objector Day - May 15, International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day - May 15, National Learn to Swim Day - May 15, 2021 (Third Saturday of May - week before, National River Cleanup Day - May 15, 2021 (Third Saturday in May), National Senior Fraud Awareness Day - May 15, Plant a Lemon Tree Day - May 15, 2021 (Third Saturday in May), Preakness - May 15, 2021 (Third Saturday in May), Relive Your Past by Listening to the First Music You Ever Bought No Matter What It Was no Excuses Day - May 15, TSC Global Awareness Day (Tuberous Sclerosis Complex) - May 15, World Whiskey Day - May 15, 2021 (Third Saturday in May), National Coquilles St. Jacques Day - May 16, Ride a Unicycle Day - May 16, 2021 (Third Sunday in May), Stepmother's Day - May 16, 2021 (The Sunday after, International Child Helpline Day - May 17, International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia - May 17, Supply Chain Professional Day - May 17, 2021 (Third Monday in May), World Neurofibromatosis Day (NF Day) - May 17, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day - May 17, National Visit Your Relatives Day - May 18, Send an Electronic Greeting Card Day - May 18, Celebrate Your Elected Officials Day - May 19, Emergency Medical Services Day - May 19, 2021 (Third Wednesday in May), Emergency Medical Services for Children Day - May 19, 2021 (Wednesday of EMS Week), National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - May 19, National Employee Health and Fitness Day - May 19, 2021 (Third Wednesday in May), National Juice Slush Day - May 19, 2021 (Third Wednesday in May), Turn Beauty Inside Out Day - May 19, 2021 (Third Wednesday in May), Brown Bag It Thursday - May 20, 2021 (Third Thursday in May), Global Accessibility Awareness Day - May 20, 2021 (Third Thursday in May), International Clinical Trials Day - May 20, National Aperitif Day - May 20, 2021 (Third Thursday in May), National Notebook Day - May 20, 2021 (Third Thursday in May), American Red Cross Founder's Day - May 21, End of the World or Rapture Party Day - May 21, Endangered Species Day - May 21, 2021 (Third Friday in May), International Defense Transportation Day - May 21, 2021 (Third Friday in May), International Virtual Assistants Day - May 21, 2021 (Third Friday in May), NASCAR Day - May 21, 2021 (Third Friday in May), National Bike to Work Day - May 21, 2021 (Third Friday in May), National Defense Transportation Day - May 21, 2021 (Third Friday in May), National Pizza Party Day - May 21, 2021 (Third Friday in May), National Strawberries and Cream Day - May 21, National Waiters and Waitresses Day - May 21, World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development - May 21, International Day for Biological Diversity - May 22, International Heritage Breeds Day - May 22, 2021, National Buy a Musical Instrument Day - May 22, National Heritage Breeds Day - May 22, 2021 (Saturday of Third Full Week in May), National Italian Beef Day - May 22, 2021 (Fourth Saturday in May), World Fiddle Day - May 22, 2021 (Third Saturday in May), Armed Forces Day Military-Amateur Crossband Communications Day - May 23, 2020 (2021 TBA), Declaration of the Bab Day (Bahai Faith) - May 23, International Day to End Obstetric Fistula - May 23, Pentecost (also known as Whitsunday or Whit Sunday) - May 23, 2021, Whit Sunday (Also Known as Pentecost or Whitsunday) - May 23, 2021, Aviation Maintenance Technician Day - May 24, International Women's Day for Peace and Disarmament - May 24, Pentecost Monday (Also Known as Whit Monday) - May 24, 2021, Whit Monday (Also Known as Pentecost Monday) - May 24, 2021, World Schizophrenia Awareness Day - May 24, 2021, National Blueberry Cheesecake Day - May 26, National Senior Health & Fitness Day - May 26, 2021 (Last Wednesday in May), World Otter Day - May 26, 2021 (Last Wednesday in May), Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Day - May 27, 2021 (Thursday of, Don't Fry Day - May 28, 2021 (Friday Before Memorial Day), European Neighbors' Day - May 28, 2021 (Last Friday in May), National Death Busters Day - May 28, 2021 (Friday Before Memorial Day), National Title Track Day - May 28, 2021 (Fourth Friday in May), National Wig Out Day - May 28, 2021 (Friday before, Slugs Return From Capistrano Day - May 28, Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day (ARMAD) - May 29, 2021 (Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend), International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers - May 29, International Jazz Day - May 29, 2021 (Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend) Also observed on April 30 each year, Julia Pierpont Day - May 29, 2021 (Fourth Saturday in May), Indianapolis 500 - May 30, 2021 (Sunday of Memorial Day weekend), My Bucket's Got a Hole In It Day - May 30, Neighbor Day - May 30, 2021 (Sunday before, World MS Day (Multiple Sclerosis) - May 30, Jefferson Davis Birthday - May 31, 2021 (State of Mississippi), National Hamburger Day (May 31, 2021, July 28 and also December 21), National Speak in Complete Sentences Day - May 31, Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day - May 31, Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day - May 31, 2021 (Last Monday in May / Same Day as. Also from the Latin word maiores, "elders", who were celebrated furing this month.

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