Course describes the design, programming and control of autonomous drones. CS 53334     HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTION      3 Credit Hours. CS 29995     SPECIAL TOPICS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE      1-3 Credit Hours, CS 32301     HUMAN INTERFACE COMPUTING      3 Credit Hours. Prerequisite: Minimum C grade in CS 35201. CS 62263     NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF LARGE SPARSE LINEAR SYSTEMS      3 Credit Hours. CS 65202     ADVANCED COMMUNICATION NETWORKS      3 Credit Hours. Topics covered include advanced server side programming in PHP; database driven websites; structured query language (SQL) and MySQL; E-commerce; web hosting using Apache, PHP MySQL; basic and digest authentication; web security, encryption and digital certificates; Markup Language (XML) for the web, AJAX and web services; scalable vector graphics (SVG); websites. Prerequisite: CS 23001 and CS 55201; and graduate standing. Linear systems, least-squares data fitting, nonlinear equations and systems and optimization problems. CS 73304     CLUSTER COMPUTING      3 Credit Hours. Numerical implementation and software. This shift has changed almost everything ranging from memory hierarchy and consistency to programming those architectures. The course is an integrative experience that brings together all components of the Masters nonthesis graduate program in an applied, hands-on real-world setting. Includes many in-lecture tutorials. (Slashed with CS 57205) An introduction to concepts and methodology useful for information security, as specified by the NSTISSI NO. Topics include the soundness and completeness of the propositional and predicate calculi, the decidablility of propositional calculus, the undecidability of predicate calculus, Gödel’s incompleteness proof for languages capable of expressing arithmetic, the co-extensionality of the set of general recursive functions, abacus computable functions, and Turing computable functions, and the philosophical motivations for the ChurchTuring Thesis that all computable functions are Turing computable, CS 52201     NUMERICAL COMPUTING I      3 Credit Hours. (Slashed with CS 53202) The setting up and day-to-day administration of multiuser multitasking systems, such as the various versions of UNIX, together with the analysis of problems which can arise in these activities. CS 73016     BIG DATA ANALYTICS      3 Credit Hours. 4011 standard from the NSA. The Department of Computer Science offers degrees at the Bachelors, Masters, and PhD levels. CS 63015     DATA MINING TECHNIQUES      3 Credit Hours. In the Department of Computer Science, our diverse community works as a team to advance the frontiers of computer science and education. (Repeatable for credit)Practice of pertinent aspects from CS 3301. This course addresses the security and privacy issues in legacy systems and also studies security and privacy policies and legislations. CS 53301     SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FOR ROBOTICS      3 Credit Hours. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR). CS 72263     NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF LARGE SPARSE LINEAR SYSTEMS      3 Credit Hours. Prerequisite: CS 23001 with a minimum C grade; and junior standing. Computer graphics and visualization, in particular large scale and complex data sets with a focus on volume rendering and multi-modal interaction. CS 13011     COMPUTER SCIENCE IA: PROCEDURAL PROGRAMMING      2 Credit Hours. © 2021 Kent State University All rights reserved. , developed at KSU, is a widely used XML representation and tool set that supports mixed language exploration, analysis, and manipulation of large software systems. Introduction to computer and network safety; detection and removal of viruses, detection and defense against spyware and rootkits, firewall description and use, protection mechanisms against computer system hacking, spam, identity theft and phishing, protecting wireless networks, safe computing. Introduces computing platforms with the focus on how to utilize them in processing, managing and analyzing massive datasets. CS 73118     GRAPH SOCIAL NETWK ANALYSIS      3 Credit Hours. CS 75203     WIRELESS AND MOBILE COMMUNICATION NETWORKS      3 Credit Hours. (Slashed with CS 53303 and CS 73303) This course will provide a comprehensive an understanding of the Internet of Things by looking into a variety of real-world application scenarios, existing and new technologies and architectures, communication protocols and standardization efforts, societal and behavioral changes, and how to apply these technologies to tackle real-world problems. (Slashed with CS 72263) (Cross-listed with MATH 62263 and MATH 72263) Construction and analysis of iterative methods for large systems of linear algebraic equations. CS 44001     COMPUTER SCIENCE III-PROGRAMMING PATTERNS      4 Credit Hours. (Slashed with CS 45102) This course explores CPU architectures and concepts, focusing mostly on general purpose CPUs. CS 65101     ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE      3 Credit Hours. ... Computer Science and Engineering. In the class, students will learn the fundamental technologies and theories in each category, and blend this knowledge with various case studies and lab activities. Teach students how to program and use the latest machine learning packages, such as Tensorflow. The influence maximization problems over social networks in real applications are also discussed as well as various queries over the distributed graph database. srcML, an open source system, has been under development at KSU for a number of years. CS 63305     MULTICORE COMPUTING      3 Credit Hours. High-level programming concepts, including data types, expressions, program structures, functions, parameter passing, scope, extent, arrays, introduction to recursion and an introduction to object oriented-concepts. This course is the second computer science course on linking and programming robotic and embedded systems in a team based, hands-on environment. This course also reviews current research projects in the area of security and privacy. (Slashed with CS 43301) Robots are being used in multiple places that are not easily accessible for humans, to support the lack of available labor, to gain extra precision, and for cost effective manufacturing processes, monitoring, space exploration, precision surgery and artificial limb support for elderly and physically challenged persons. Memorial of Research Contributions . CS 63301     PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING      3 Credit Hours. CS 53305     ADVANCED DIGITAL DESIGN      3 Credit Hours. CS 57206     DATA SECURITY AND PRIVACY      3 Credit Hours. CS 64201     ADVANCED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE      3 Credit Hours. Every Tuesday at 7PM. CS 23001     COMPUTER SCIENCE II: DATA STRUCTURES AND ABSTRACTION      4 Credit Hours. CS 65301     SYSTEM MODELING AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION      3 Credit Hours. 22 Total faculty Full-time - 20. Prerequisite: Minimum C grade in MATH 11009 or MATH 11010. Born April 23, 1942, in Illinois, he demonstrated promise and passion for education at an early age, becoming valedictorian of Waukegan Township High School and earning a full-ride scholarship to the University of Chicago, where he graduated with his BS in 1964. Department of Computer Science One University Plaza, MS 5950 Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701 Register for the event at and we look forward to seeing you there! PhD Student . (Slashed with CS 53334 and CS 73334) Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is the study of interactions between humans and robots dedicated to understanding, designing, and evaluating robotic systems for use by and with humans. (Slashed with CS 75202) This course covers central problems that confront network designers in high-speed networking such as real-time traffic, congestion control, quality of service (QoS), performance analysis, traffic management and internet routing. Course will cover UNIX operating system environment topics that will make the user more productive. CS 76110     COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY      3 Credit Hours. Prerequisite: CS 35201 and; MATH 20011 or MATH 30011. Credits are applied toward degree requirements with approval if grade of "S" is given. (Slashed with CS 76101) Advanced algorithms, fast fourier transforms, algorithms on trees and graphs, rational and polynomial arithmetic, gcd, factoring, numerical and symbolic computational algorithms, Risch integration algorithm, pattern matching. Prerequisite: MATH 32044 or MATH 32052; and MATH 42201 or CS 42201. (Slashed with CS 54902) Students will learn a systematic approach to requirements elicitation, envisioning, requirements engineering, while leveraging design-based ideation and validation. (Repeatable for credit) (Slashed with CS 79995) Special topics in computer science. CS 47221     INTRODUCTION TO CRYPTOLOGY      3 Credit Hours. (Slashed with CS 77302) Information visualization is the science that unveils the underlying structure of data sets using visual representations that utilize the powerful processing capabilities of the human visual perceptual system. In the class, students will learn the fundamental technologies and theories in each category, and blend this knowledge with various case studies and lab activities. The project has received over $1.5M in external funding over the past 12 years. Supervised experience in the chosen graduate program. Our office staff will be reduced in number and will be either in the office or at home monitoring email and performing work we will facilitate via emails and Zoom chats, etc. Most of the tutors have decided to hold virtual question times through direct messages during their regularly posted tutoring times and any updates will be posted in the tutoring channel of the discord. The Mathematics and Computer Science Building is located two buildings southeast of the Student Center on Summit Street, between Campus Center Drive and Rhodes Road. CS 33006     SOCIAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN COMPUTING (WIC)      3 Credit Hours. CS 77301     SCIENTIFIC VISUALIZATION      3 Credit Hours. CS 47101     COMPUTER GRAPHICS      3 Credit Hours. (Slashed with CS 72264) (Cross-listed MATH 62264 and MATH 72264) Construction and analysis of numerical methods for systems of non linear algebraic equations and optimization problems. Automated Recording and Semantics-Aware Replaying of High-Speed Eye Tracking and Interaction Data to Support Cognitive Studies of Software Engineering Tasks. Discussion and practice of pertinent aspects related to programming under time constraints. CS 69192     GRADUATE INTERNSHIP      1-3 Credit Hours. Read a welcome message from Department Head Scott DeLoach, or check out facts and figures related to the department. Multi-grid methods. Topics covered include system software and hardware architectures, use case models, interoperability, trajectory programming, communications protocols. CS 66105     PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS      3 Credit Hours. Prof. Jonathan I. Maletic and Dr. Michael L. Collard (U of Akron) received the 2020 Mining Software Repositories Foundational Contribution Award for their work developing the srcML Infrastructure at the 20th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR). Irvin Cardenas, Xiangxu Lin, Alfred Shaker, Zachary Law, Saifuddin Mahmud, Redwanul Hague Sourave, Sara Roman, Michaeil Nelson, have worked tirelessly through weekends and holidays to prepare for the, 2020 Mining Software Repositories Foundational Contribution Award. (Repeatable for credit)Continuing registration required for doctoral students who have completed the initial 30 hours of dissertation and continuing until all degree requirements are met. CS 77101     ADVANCED COMPUTER GRAPHICS      3 Credit Hours. The course emphasizes a hands-on, team-based approach to learning programming and problem solving. Computer science is an integral part of robotics as it includes areas such as computer algorithms, artificial intelligence, and image processing that are essential aspects of robotics. (Slashed with CS 73301) Overview of parallel and distributed computing; structuring parallel and distributed programs; parallel programming using SIMD, SPMD, MIMD and associative computing; parallel and distributed architecture using existing machines as case studies. With substantial multi-year investments from the Commonwealth of Virginia and infrastructure investments by Virginia Tech, we anticipate hiring multiple faculty members at all ranks and in all areas for several years. CS 44003     MOBILE APPS IN IOS PROGRAMMING      3 Credit Hours. To help student get familiar with the fundamental mathematical tools (linear algebra, probability theory, statistical inference, numerical optimization, and learning theory) which lays the foundation of machine learning algorithms and techniques; 2. Prerequisite: Minimum C grade in MATH 11010. Thesis student must register for total of 6 hours, 2 to 6 hours in a single semester distributed over several semesters if desired. Distinguished Paper Award  Vlas Zyrianov, Drew Guarnera, Cole Peterson, Dr. Bonita Sharif, and Dr. Jonathan Maletic received an IEEE TCSE Distinguished Paper Award at The IEEE 36th International Conference on Software Maintenance & Evolution (ICSME) 2020. Dr. Kenneth Kent received his Master of Science and PhD from the University of Victoria. Attributes: Experiential Learning Requirement, Writing Intensive Course, CS 44902     SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING      3 Credit Hours. CS 13001     COMPUTER SCIENCE I: PROGRAMMING AND PROBLEM SOLVING      4 Credit Hours. Department Office 419-372-2337 (Slashed with CS 66105) Introduces and evaluates important models of parallel (synchronous and asynchronous) and distributed computation, using basic searching, sorting, graph, matrix, numerical computing and computational geometry algorithms. Cleveland State University is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Prerequisite: CS 23001 and CS 33301 with a minimum of C grade. (2001), Professor, Ph.D., Wayne State University, 1995, Melton, Austin C. (1996), Professor, Ph.D., Kansas State University, 1980, Nesterenko, Mikhail (1998), Professor, Ph.D., Kansas State University, 1998, Peyravi, Hassan M. (1985), Professor, Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, 1995, Samba, Augustine S. (2001), Professor, Ph.D., University of Liverpool, 1983, Sharma, Gokarna (2015), Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Louisiana State University, 2014, Volkert, Gwenn L. (2001), Associate Professor, Younghun, Chae (2016), Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Unviersity of Rhode Island, 2017, Zhao, Ye (2006), Professor, Ph.D., State University of New York, Stony Brook, 2006. The influence maximization problems over social networks in real applications are also discussed as well as various queries over the distributed graph databases. (Slashed with CS 43334 and CS 73334) Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is the study of interactions between humans and robots dedicated to understanding, designing, and evaluating robotic systems for use by and with humans. High-level programming concepts, including introduction to recursion and an introduction to object oriented-concepts. Course covers the architecture and the interactions among different functional units in wireless and mobile systems. CS 61092     PRACTICUM IN CS FOR INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT      1-5 Credit Hours. CS 74301     PATTERN RECOGNITION PRINCIPLES      3 Credit Hours. CS 60093     VARIABLE TITLE WORKSHOP IN COMPUTER SCIENCE      1-3 Credit Hours. (Slashed with CS 43202) The setting up and day-to-day administration of multiuser multitasking systems, such as the various versions of UNIX together with the analysis of problems which can arise in these activities. CS 45231     INTERNET ENGINEERING      3 Credit Hours. Dr. Breitbart received the M.S. CS 64401     IMAGE PROCESSING      3 Credit Hours. Examines physiology and psychology considers the structure and operation of the computer and models the interaction between the two. CS 73015     DATA MINING TECHNIQUES      3 Credit Hours. The team of students, Irvin Cardenas, Xiangxu Lin, Alfred Shaker, Zachary Law, Saifuddin Mahmud, Redwanul Hague Sourave, Sara Roman, Michaeil Nelson, and Marcus Arnett  have worked tirelessly through weekends and holidays to prepare for the World Robot Summit (WRS) 2021 in Japan. Prerequisite: Computer Science major within the Master of Arts or Master of Science degree. (Slashed with CS 53118 and CS 73118) Catalog Description: This course covers a number of important and useful ideas in graph databases, especially in social networks (e.g. … Off-Campus Access Off-campus access for library resources for Kent State Students at Stark is provided through a service called the KSU Proxy. CS 54003     MOBILE APPS IN IOS PROGRAMMING      3 Credit Hours. CS 89199     DISSERTATION I      15 Credit Hours. srcML, developed at KSU, is a widely used XML representation and tool set that supports mixed language exploration, analysis, and manipulation of large software systems. (Repeatable for credit)Research seminar on current research in computer science. CS 63901     SOFTWARE ENGINEERING METHODOLOGIES      3 Credit Hours. An introduction to software engineering concepts: life cycle models; modeling languages; requirements analysis; specification; design; testing; validation; project management and maintenance. Students in this course work with junior and senior level students on projects building devices that require linking and programming robotic and embedded systems. CS 73201     ADVANCED OPERATING SYSTEMS      3 Credit Hours. (Slashed with CS 43303 and CS 53303) This course will provide a comprehensive understanding of the Internet of Things by looking into a variety of real-world application scenarios, existing and new technologies and architectures, communication protocols and standardization efforts, societal and behavioral changes, and how to apply these technologies to tackle real-world problems. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. To get to Kent State from various highways follow the directions on the KSU home page. CS 76105     PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS      3 Credit Hours. Advanced computer programming design, and development with a primary focus on data structures and abstraction using an object oriented programming language. Emeritus Faculty Name Not open to students with previous experience. (Slashed with CS 64401) This course covers digital processing of digital imagery. Andrew Curtis is the co-director of the GIS Health & Hazards Lab at Kent State University and is a former director of the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Center for Remote Sensing and GIS for Public Health. Student presentation of computer science papers will be included. (Repeatable for credit) (Slashed with CS 60094) Techniques and problems of college teaching of computer science. This first course on robotics will teach the students various motions of rigid robots, mathematics and algorithms related to these motions, motion planning, obstacle avoidance, intelligent path planning including use of various sensors. The objectives of the course are to learn the principles involved in information visualization and a variety of existing techniques and systems. It looks at superscalar execution, out-of-order execution, branch prediction, and speculative execution, and their use in the Intel Pentium Pro and Pentium II. CS 63304     CLUSTER COMPUTING      3 Credit Hours. Best Paper Award   We congratulate Dr. Jong-Hoon Kim and his students, Irvin Steve Cardenas, Caitlyn Lenhoff, Michelle Park, Tina Yuqiao Xu, Xiangxu Lin, and Pradeep Kumar Paladugul, who received a Best Paper Award at the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction 2020 for their paper, AARON:  Assistive Augmented Reality Operations and Navigation System for NASA's Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unity (xEMU) November 26, 2020. (Slashed with CS 54003) Students are introduced to mobile applications programming in the iOS environment using model, view, controller paradigms. CS 48101     GAME ENGINE CONCEPTS      3 Credit Hours. CS 89191     DOCTORAL SEMINAR      1-2 Credit Hours. (Repeatable for credit)This course is an alternative to IAKM 60198 for students interested in pursuing a CS thesis. Students who are interested in a Computer Science degree with a rich set of elective options taught by experts should This is a course on the modern science of Cryptology; that is, the process of hiding information by converting it, through a reversible process, into something unrecognizable. (Slashed with CS 53111) Techniques used to write compilers including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, syntax-directed translation, type checking, run-time environments, and intermediate code generation. Incorporates Computer Science Index, Computer Source, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, Internet & Personal Computing Abstracts, and includes academic journals, professional publications, and other reference sources. Professor . This course may not be counted toward degree requirement in the CS Masters of Science degree or the CS Ph.D. degree. Prerequisite: Graduate standing; and special approval. Mr. Guarnera is a doctoral student at KSU. Prerequisite: MATH 51021 and CS 52202; and graduate standing. (Slashed with CS 47201) Approaches the human-computer interaction as an activity of the human whose productivity is increased by the use of the computer as a tool. The paper "Automated Recording and Semantics-Aware Replaying of High-Speed Eye Tracking and Interaction Data to Support Cognitive Studies of Software Engineering Tasks" is part of the NSF funded iTrace project. CS 61003     ALGORITHMS AND PROGRAMMING II      4 Credit Hours. (Slashed with CS 42202)(Cross-listed with MATH 42202 and MATH 52202) A continuation of CS 52201. Implementation and maintenance of system programs, system utilities, command interpreters, editors, file maintenance programs, text processors, interrupt handling, and device drivers. CS 53111     STRUCTURE OF COMPILERS      3 Credit Hours. CS 66101     ADVANCED TOPICS IN ALGORITHMS      3 Credit Hours. Topics include volume rendering, image-based rendering and modeling, graphics architectures, virtual reality, modeling in computer graphics, non-photorealistic rendering, computer animation and computer games. (Slashed with CS 63306) Computational issues structuring programs for processors embedded in other devices such as those found in automobiles and biological chemical sample processing devices. CS 63005     ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS DESIGN      3 Credit Hours. CS 43203     SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING      3 Credit Hours. Topics include volume rendering, image-based rendering and modeling, graphics architectures, virtual reality, modeling in computer graphics, non-photorealistic rendering, computer animation and computer games. Hands-on experience with microcomputers. CS 75301     SYSTEM MODELING AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION      3 Credit Hours. CS 46101     DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS      3 Credit Hours. Interaction between humans and robots may take several forms, but are generally categorized by how close in proximity the humans and robots are to each other such as remote, proximate, and hybrid interaction. HRI is a multidisciplinary field that incorporates human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, robotics, natural language understanding, design, and social sciences. Computer science concepts, including algorithm development and problem-solving strategies focused on programming abstractions. (Slashed with CS 55203) Overview of network security including attacks and vulnerabilities and defense measures, secure network design, network and transport layers security, intrusion detection techniques, defense against denial of service attacks, network hardware, software, and applications attacks and their defense, security policies, legal and ethical issues in cyber and computer crimes. Introduction to operating systems, processes and threads, CPU scheduling, mutual exclusion and synchronization, deadlock, memory management, file systems, security, networking and distributed systems and current topics. CS 44901     SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (ELR) (WIC)      4 Credit Hours. (Repeatable for credit) Research or individual investigation. Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics. CS 75101     ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE      3 Credit Hours. All rights reserved. CS 54105     WEB PROGRAMMING I      3 Credit Hours. Students can network with companies, receive mentorship on their hacks and win cool prizes! Basic concepts in security and secure design including cryptography. CS 57221     INTRODUCTION TO CRYPTOLOGY      3 Credit Hours. HRI is a multidisciplinary field that incorporates human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, robotics, natural language understanding, design, and social sciences. 2 C (2.000) grade or better in these courses is a stated prerequisite for many other required courses in the program. (Slashed with CS 44105) This course is the first of a two-course sequence on Web Programming covering from basic to advanced topics on Web Programming based on open standards and best practices. Prerequisite: Doctoral standing; and special approval. With the supervision of the instructor, students will work in teams to design and implement a computer game or 3D interactive learning environment using a game engine in a professional setup. Subject areas include the many engineering disciplines, computer theory, and new technologies. CS 73100     COMPUTATIONAL HEALTH INFORMATICS      3 Credit Hours. Prerequisite: MATH 12003 or MATH 12013; and minimum C grade in CS 23001. 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