An “open shipping route” is any route that does not connect two of your settlements or cities together. You may only connect a land net- work of roads to a sea network of shipping routes if you first build a settlement where they come together. From sheets 3 & 14: detach the 2 blue VP cards, plus the 6 fish shoal hexes and put them into the bag containing the “FISH FOR CATAN” sorting tile. Place the Pirate piece near the board before the game begins. If your sum total is the largest, you are the hero of the battle. Afterwards, you place as many spice sacks on the village of the spice hex as there are players in the game. You cannot build a road on its paths (edges) or a settlement on its intersections (corners). To indicate that a pirate lair was captured, the pirate lair token is flipped over so that its number side faces up. In either case, you may move the ship farthest from the homeport (as long as you didn’t buy the ship this turn). Additionally, whenever someone rolls a “7” pirate ships appear. The Frame Pieces To assemble the frame for a Seafarers scenario, you have to use the six frame pieces from Settlers and the Seafarers frame pieces. 4. Each player who participated in the capture immediately receives 2 gold as a reward. 1. … put them into 4 separate bags along with the wooden pieces of the same color. However, the pirate does not steal the cargo from adjacent ships loaded with hauls of fish. Released in 2013, Catan: Explorers & Pirates features five scenarios and three missions based around exploring new lands and battling pirates. Also, if the supply of fish hauls is depleted, you cannot roll the die for fish haul placement. Mission 2 “Spices For Catan”: In this mission, your crews represent merchants sent to visit villages found on the spice hexes. Your pirate ship remains on the hex until someone rolls another “7” or chases your pirate ship away (see page later on). You may move a ship in any direction and also change directions during its movement (e.g., you may move it forward and then back to the same space if you wish). The rule, that the robber must not be displaced before the barbarians have reached Catan for the first time is also true for the pirate (who, of course, is not in the desert), should he be in the game. Blue has no cards (but does have gold). Please note that the crews, spice sacks, and fish hauls are not used in this scenario. If there is a tie, the player who placed more crews is the hero. This hex is considered, border the starting island. These are also placed exactly as shown in the scenario diagram. The main feature of this expansion is the addition of ships, gold rivers, and the pirate to the game, allowing play between multiple islands. You must, of course, observe the distance rule when building all harbor settlements and regular settlements. Place the Pirate piece near the board before the game begins. The scenarios included are “Land Ho”, “Pirate Lairs”, “Fish for Catan”, “Spices for Catan” and “Explorers & Pirates”. However, you could also forgo road building and build further settlements with the aid of settler ships. Moving the Pirate Ship—Stealing a Resource: The tribute costs 1 gold, and you pay it to the supply. They were added to these examples to aid in your setup. A pirate ship may not be placed on this hex (it borders the starting island). 8. She could steal a resource card either from Orange or Blue. It is recommended that you have played at least one other seafarers scenario such as The 4 Islands/The 6 Islands before playing this scenario. You need the following game components from a copy of The Settlers of Catan (hereafter referred to as “base Catan”): Before play, you must build the game board. Example 9 shows the mission card and the victory point card of the “Pirate LairS” mission with some player markers on it. Settlements or harbor settlements are not affected. Place sea hex piece G. to the right of the F sea hex pieces, as shown in example 15. The first scenario “LAND HO!” takes about 30 minutes to play. ), but players may count both connected shipping routes (open or closed) and roads to determine who controls the longest trade route. Starting with scenario 2, a pirate ship rule is added. From sheets 11-16: detach all of the number tokens with green and orange icons on their backs and put them into the bag containing the “STANDARD HEXES + NUMBER TOKENS—GREEN & ORANGE” sorting tile. Feel free to leave a comment below. you may work on all of them at once. You will have to capture pirate lairs. The Council of Catan rewards the bravest fighters with fame and gold. Do the same for the orange-backed hexes, and place them in the southern unexplored area. There can only be one ship, The gold field hexes represent regions rich in gold nuggets. Red must also return 1 of her crews to her supply. Blue and Red each move their markers forward 1 space on the “Pirate Lairs” mission card. Part of the, 60 wooden ships in 4 colors (15 ships of each color), The ship pieces in the game do not represent the individual ships, just as roads do not represent the actual carts and wagons, Roads and ships may not be built along the same coastline. These goals can award a successful player Special Victory Points. Now place your own pirate ship on any allowed sea hex and steal 1 resource card from the owner of an adjacent ship (see “Moving the Pirate Ship— Stealing a Resource” later on). Place them, green moon icon face-up, in the northern unexplored area. However, the movement of your ship may not end on a sea route that is already occupied by 2 ships. You may continue to move a ship after loading or unloading, provided that it still has movement points. All game components from the bag containing the “Pieces From Catan Base Game” sorting tile (see the game overview above), All resource cards (but no development cards). You may remove game pieces from. The edges of a sea hex are called sea routes. From sheets 4-16: detach all of the value 1 and 3 coins and put them into the bag with the “GOLD COINS” sorting tile. If you move your ship onto, along, or off of, a sea route on a pirate hex (a hex that is occupied by an opponent’s pirate ship), you must pay a tribute. Before you can begin exploring the sea lanes of Catan, you must first construct the board. Before we start, It’s important to note that is highly recommended to know very well how to play Catan base game first, before you start playing the expansions. The fronts of the frames have small blue numbers. If you build. You will discover bountiful fish shoals where you can catch fish and deliver them to the Council. the corner of a terrain hex (example 4 A), you may build a settlement there (certain exceptions apply, which are explained in the context of the corresponding missions). Shuffle the 6 pirate lair tokens with their number side face down and place them as a stack beside the board (example 10, above). Each participating player rolls 1 die. In Explorers & Pirates, there are no harbors like the ones in base Catan. (B) You have the crews and the settler swap places. WAIT! If you failed to chase away the pirate ship, you must pay tribute to move your ship along the sea routes of the pirate hex—or else you may not use these sea routes. Harbors for 4 Players:You need 9 harbor tokens: 5 special 2:1 (one for each resource) and 4 generic 3:1. There are no “Longest Road” and “Largest Army” special victory point cards. If you are friends with one of these villages, once during your trade and build phase you may sell any 1 resource card from your hand for 1 gold from the supply (put your card into the supply and take 1 gold from the supply). Explorers And Pirates rules guide helped you! Take the following 11 green moon-backed hexes and shuffle them together: 6 standard hexes, 3 pirate lair hexes, and 2 random fish shoal hexes (don’t look at the front side). Ships can only be placed on a nautical route or on a beach. When detaching the die-cut game components, make sure you start with sheet 1 and proceed as follows: 1. The Pirate is another new addition to Catan. If you have the board from scenario 2 already set up, remove all of the starting island, green moon, and orange sun hexes and place them in separate piles. • 1 pirate ship (black) • 1 Game Rules & Scenarios booklet EXPANSION RULES Except where noted below, Catan: Seafarers uses the same rules as The Settlers of Catan ®. The game opens up to you piece by piece, mission by mission, until you reach the final scenario “EXPLORERS & PIRATES,” where all of the rules are used. A hold can only accommodate 1 large game piece (settler, fish haul) or 2 small game pieces (crews, spice sacks). You’ll no longer be limited just to the main Catan island. Since both wood/sheep are needed for boats, players with higher probability wood/sheep hexes will be more able to explore. There is no robber piece to block resource hexes. Like the Robber, you place the pirate in the center of any hex you choose— except that you may only place it on a sea hex. This roll can only be made once on your turn. Once both players have placed their neutral harbor settlements, using the same turn order, they each place a settlement of the neutral color. At the beginning of the game, each player must place. Next you move on to the second part of the basic rules, “PIRATE LAIRS.” It teaches you about crews, pirates, and transport. You may not place any new ships on the border of the hex the pirate is on. Except for “Land Ho!” (scenario 1), each scenario is played with 1-3 missions. The inhabitants of 2 villages are experienced merchants. the fronts of the frame pieces themselves. For example, you may first build, then trade, then build again, etc. Assembling the Board 2 harbors for unloading your fish hauls (indicated by anchor symbols). You are not allowed to trade or build during or after the movement phase, except when you are “Building a Settlement with the Aid of a Settler Ship” (see later on). You can only discover hexes by means of ships. If you have moved your ship to a fish haul and caught it (loaded it onto the ship), you may continue moving if that ship still has movement points. Turn the hex over. You may also obtain 1 gold by paying 3 resources of the same type. On the one hand E&P seems to be more mission-based and difficult, and isn't able to be combined with other expansions like seafarers. Use sea hex E to fill the gap between sea hex D1 and sea hex piece F1. Once you have established your first settlement in this area, you can build roads and settlements there in a regular fashion. Whenever you make progress on a mission, move your marker forward 1 space. Of course, you must still obey the “distance rule” from basic Settlers, even if you are building on a new island. She turns the pirate lair token over so that its number side is face up. If, by means of one of your ships, you have discovered a spice hex, you receive 2 gold. a road in such a way that one of its ends points toward an undiscovered hex, you can’t discover that hex. Also, you can only count the single longest branch of a road and/or shipping route to calculate the longest trade route. This last bit about moving ships refers to rule 5 entitled "Moving Ships", found on page 4 of the 4th Ed rulebook in Seafarers. The area to the west (with the pasture hex) is the starting island. Number tokens: 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12. We also vary the ruleS to suit us a little for instance we don’t really use the pirate ship. In addition, no ship may be moved away from the pirate if it is on the border of the hex in which the pirate is sailing. Next, you create the starting island and the unexplored areas. During pirate missions your crews can become warriors. In it you learn the first part of the basic rules for this expansion: using harbor settlements, ships, and settlers. You need the following game components from this Explorers & PiratesTM expansion: Frame pieces: 1x A1, A2, C1, C2, D1, F1, F2, and 2x B3, The game pieces listed under “Preparation” below, The terrain hexes from the “Standard HexeS + number tokens Green and oranGe” bag, Note: The large white frame numbers on the setup examples are not actually depicted on. You then take a pirate lair token from the supply stack (example 11 B) and place it (without turning it over) on the pirate lair (example 11 C). They buy resources and give gold in return. 1 Catan Game Night. You may also obtain 1 gold by paying 3 resources of the same type. The game components for a mission are stored in their own bag and always include a mission card and a victory point (VP) card. Each pirate fortress consists of 3 Catan chits stacked with 1 settlement of a particular color placed on top. Do the same with the orange sun-backed hexes in the southern unexplored area. To return the fish haul, simply return the fish haul to the supply and move your marker forward 1 space on the “Fish For Catan” mission card. Otherwise, build the frame exactly as shown. If you are the first player to roll a “7,” place your pirate ship on one of the allowed sea hexes. Red must also return 1 of her crews to her supply. Starting resources: For each terrain hex adjacent to his or her settlement, each player takes the corresponding resource cards. They are known as the northern unexplored area and the southern unexplored area. The gold field hexes represent regions rich in gold nuggets. Twice during your turn, you may pay 2 gold for any. by … (C) Then you load the 2 crews onto the right ship. Use one of the orange sun-backed sea hexes (sea side facing up) to fill the gap between sea hex pieces G and A2. For example: In example 6 B (bottom of previous column), after Red placed her ship. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Remove only the settler ships of the non-chosen colors. For the glory of Catan, you then vie with your opponents to build the most imposing wonders of the world. Example 9 shows the mission card and the victory point card of the “Pirate LairS” mission with some player markers on it. Place your new settlement on the intersection of the terrain hex, at no additional cost (example 4 C). However, you are not allowed to place the fish haul on a fish shoal hex if: If you roll the number of an undiscovered fish shoal hex, do not place a fish haul. For all players the standard ratio for trading with the bank is 4:1, or 4 of the same resource card for 1 card of your choice from the bank. To build a crew, pay the building costs and place the crew either on a free space in the basin of one of your harbor settlements or in the hold of one of your ships on a sea route adjacent to a harbor settlement. However, the position of the number tokens should never change. If you discover a fish shoal hex, you immediately receive 2 gold. Once a crew has been placed on the spice hex, it must stay there. You are then allowed to steal one random resource from any ONE player who has a ship adjacent to that hex! All of the roads and settlements, but no cities. Playing Seafarers with Explorers & Pirates Pieces. Use example 1 as your assembly guide. The backs have large white numbers. Editions should only be used with same edition, otherwise the purchase of adapter kit is required. Use sea hex E to fill the gap between hex D2 and sea hex pieces F1 & F2. You win “Explorers & Pirates” if you have 17 VPs on your turn. Note: In Seafarers, certain scenarios contain no desert hexes. Your harbor settlement must be placed on one of the intersections marked with a circle (⚪) in example 10 (above). From sheets 3 & 15: detach the 2 green VP cards, plus the 6 spice hexes, and put them into the bag containing the “SPICES FOR CATAN” sorting tile. Option 1: On a roll of "7" whichever of the Pirate or Bandit is not moved may move to an adjacent hex. Catan Explorers & Pirates consists of several different scenarios. Is it also allowed to place the pirate on the water frame around the edge of the board? The regular settlement may be placed on any intersection, including those marked with a circle. Orange and Blue have 2 VPs each. When you place ships, any amount of branching is allowed, just like when you build roads. You use them to perform various tasks. This ship must be located on a sea route adjacent to one of your harbor settlements. After you place the hexes, you need to arrange the round tokens with the production numbers. Thus, the maximum number of movement points possible for your ships is 8. The edges of frame pieces bordering sea hexes or terrain hexes are also considered as sea routes. From sheets 4-11: detach the 14 frame expansion and sea hex pieces labeled A1-A2, B1-B3, C1-C2, E, F1-F2 & G and put them into the game box. You can move your settler ship just like a regular ship. During your movement phase, you may roll the die to try to place a fish haul on one of the discovered fish shoal hexes. a road in such a way that one of its ends points toward an undiscovered hex, you can’t discover that hex. Take the harbor tokens listed in the scenario description and shuffle them face down in a pile. by gilmore32 Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:43 pm 0: Thu Feb 27, 2020 5:43 pm by gilmore32. Shuffle the chosen terrain hexes and place them randomly in the area of the starting island, terrain side face up. Because there are 8 different scenarios in Catan seafarers, the ending of the game changes between each and every one of the scenarios. The homeport is the settlement or city adjacent to the first ship in the route. • The dreaded pirate! Important: You can only place crews on specific destinations (an active pirate lair token in this scenario). You win “Fish For Catan” if you have 15 VPs on your turn. The green moons go into the northern area. Blue rolls a “6” and adds 1—they tie (7 to 7). The Seafarers expansion contains new frame pieces, which - together with the frame pieces of the CATAN base game - can be used to assemble frames of variable size. To build a ship, expend 1 wool resource(to make sails) and 1 lumber resource (to build hulls and masts). In order to attempt to chase away an opponent’s pirate ship, you must have at least one battle-ready ship. The fronts of the frames have small blue numbers. The players’ task is to locate the fish shoals and catch as many fish as possible and deliver the hauls to the docks at the Council of Catan’s island stronghold. Add to your result the number of your crews placed on the pirate lair. You may only move the ship that is at the end of the ship- ping route that is not connected to the “homeport” for that route. You may not move a ship on the same turn that you originally built it. If you play a Knight Development Card, you now have the choice of moving either the Robber or the Pirate. However, if you then wish to move this newly built ship, the tribute must be paid. Place sea hex piece G to the right of sea hex piece F2. You may only move your ships during your movement phase. Mission 1 “Fish For Catan”: Use all game rules as described in scenarios 1, 2, and 3. If you haven’t used all of your ship’s movement points yet, you may continue to move the ship after catching or unloading a fish haul. Shuffle the 6 pirate lair tokens, number side down, and place them as a stack beside the game board. You may never interrupt a ship’s movement to roll the die. Place the 24 spice sacks beside the game board. Prepare yourself for adventure and excitement! If a scenario includes multiple missions. Equip your ships with crews and search for the pirates' lairs. You may not place any new ships on the border of the hex the Pirate is on. If you pay 1 wool, you can increase the number of movement points for a ship by 2 more points. You must pay this tribute, even if you already have spent 4 gold to buy 2 resources during your trade & build phase. Randomly select the harbor tokens, one at a time, and place them on the board where the scenario diagram indicates. To play the scenarios with Catan: Seafarers (aka “Seafarers”), you need the components from a copy of The Settlers of Catan (aka “Settlers”). When combined with Blue’s crew, there are now 3 crews on the pirate lair. If, after moving a ship, one of its ends (bow or stern) points toward the corner (intersection) of an undiscovered hex, you must discover that hex (example 3 B). You also lose 1 of your crews. Red rolls a “5” and adds 2 (her number of crews). Arrange these hexes exactly as shown in the scenario diagram. If there is still a tie, the tying players repeat the die roll. If you place your pirate ship on a sea hex, you may steal 1 (random) resource card from the face-down hand of an opponent who has a ship on a sea route of this hex. You are not allowed to move a settler overland. The rules of settlers of Catan base game are remain. Gold itself cannot be used to build any pieces, so there are no gold resource cards Crews represent specialists that can ride on your ships. You may move all your ships and perform actions with them. These basic rules will be used for all subsequent scenarios in this expansion. It is worth 1 VP. That way, there is always only 1 pirate ship on the game board (see example 6 below). Note: The Swift Voyage advantage can immediately be applied to the ship that delivered the crew to the hex as long as the hex was not just discovered by this ship. Each player places a marker on the “S” space of the mission card. You win “Pirate Lairs” if you have 12 VPs on your turn. At the same time, you must remove 1 of your crews and return it to your supply. Place the “Pirate LairS” mission card and the corresponding VP card beside the game board. If you are friends with both villages, you may sell 1 resource for 1 gold two times during your trade and build phase. Hint: If your harbor settlements are strategically well placed, you can use 2 ships and a harbor settlement to transport game pieces to their destination faster. The sum of the dice determines which terrain hexes produce resources. Blue rolls a “6” and adds 1—they tie (7 to 7). catan-seafarers. Mission 1 “Pirate LairS”: Use all game rules as described through scenario 2. All of your ships now have 5 movement points instead of 4. No roads may be built on the 5 edges of this hex that border other sea hexes. To chase away a pirate ship, you roll 1 die for each of your battle-ready ships. Building a settler costs the same resources as building a settlement. You will need the following components from your copy of The Settlers of Catan: Note: If you plan to play several of the Explorers & Pirates scenarios before you play Catan again, we suggest that you put all of the parts from steps 1-2 (above) into the bag containing the “PIECES FROM BASE CATAN” sorting tile, all of the wooden components into bags of their respective colors, and the rest into the box. Since Red has 1 more crew, she is the winner. This will speed up your setup time. Otherwise, build the frame exactly as shown in example 13 below. Otherwise, build the frame exactly as shown in example 17 below. Whenever the number on a gold field hex is rolled, players collect resources for each adjacent settlement or city. its own storage bag. You may build a ship on a sea route adjacent to a hex occupied by the pirate without paying tribute, because building is not moving. When you earn a Special Victory Point, you receive a Catan Chit. If the route has branches, then there may be a number of ships eligible for movement. The Standard Rules do not have the Pirate & Bandit moving except as directed by the players. Additionally, several different editions exist; 5th edition is the most recent. Place the “Pirate Lairs” and “Fish For Catan” mission cards and the corresponding VP cards beside the game board. The first player to reach the required victory points wins. Some players will wish to get a jump on the opposition by first exploring the oceans around Catan. If it is a terrain hex, take a number token from the stack whose color/icon matches the color/icon on the back of the terrain hex and place it, number side face up, on the hex (example 3 C). the owner of an adjacent ship (see “Moving the Pirate Ship— Stealing a Resource” later on). Additionally, the game comes with many different water-hex-heavy variant setups. you may work on all of them at once. Moving a ship from a sea route to an adjacent sea route costs 1 movement point. If you are friends with one of these villages, you drive away an opponent’s pirate ship not only by rolling a “6” but also by rolling the number depicted on the village. 2. This is an especially sound strategy if you are planning rapid maritime expansion. Part of the Catan Series. If your ship has 1 or 2 crews on board, and one end of the ship points toward an intersection of a pirate lair hex, you may place these crews directly on the pirate lair token if you wish. You may never place a pirate ship anywhere on the outside frame of the board (pieces A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, or the 6 frame pieces from base Catan). • Rules covering the acquisition of special victory point tokens. After the production phase, you may trade and build in any order you wish. in the game. 2 villages are experienced seafarers and help the players to move their ships faster. This is the last scenario in this expansion. However, indirect transshipping is possible if either end of each of the two ships points to the same harbor settlement and the harbor settlement is used for temporary storage (see example below). You must obey these restrictions when you move your ships: 1. Loading and unloading a ship costs no movement points. A fish haul fills your ship’s hold. Ideally, using the same publisher and edition of the game. Use sea hex E to fill the gap between hex D2 and sea hex piece F1. This Catan Explorers And Pirates Rules guide is broken up into sections. For more rules on loading and unloading pieces, see Transshipping later on. The rules were last updated 2/23/2004. It includes all three missions “Pirate Lairs,” “Fish For Catan,” and “Spices For Catan.” Enjoy! In such cases, start the robber off the board (just like the pirate). If you have 2 or 3 settlements borderin… Gold, however, is a very valuable medium of exchange. Transshipping Game Pieces Between Your Ship and Your Harbor Settlement: If either end of one of your loaded ships points to a loaded harbor settlement, you may swap the position of the game pieces in the ship and harbor settlement. Because shipping routes are just as important as roads in Seafarers, players no longer compete for the “Longest Road.” Instead, they compete for the “Longest Trade Route.”. Note: In Seafarers, certain scenarios contain no desert hexes. If you have placed a crew on the village of a spice hex, you befriend the inhabitants of this village and may immediately (i.e., during the same turn) make use of the advantage depicted on the spice hex. She turns the pirate lair token over so that its number side is face up. If either end of your fish haul-loaded ship points toward one of these stations, you may unload that ship. a ship and return them to the appropriate supply. After you built the frame, place the hexagonal tiles (hexes). However, on your turn, you may trade resources. These foresighted leaders may elect to place either or both of their starting settlements on the coastline. In addition, no ship may be moved away from the Pirate if it is on the border of the hex in which the Pirate is sailing. If you have the board from scenario 3 already set up, remove all of the “Pirate Lairs” hexes and tokens and return them to their bag. Also put in the 24 wooden spice sack pieces. It adds barbarian attacks, metropolises, a merchant, commodity production, and physical knights to the primary rules. Take the following 11 orange sun-backed hexes and shuffle them together: 6 standard hexes, 2 pirate lair hexes, and 3 fish shoal hexes. That ship never change harbors for unloading your fish hauls ( indicated by anchor symbols ) ) you 2. Coastal hex side ( see example 6 below ) swap places adjacent terrain hex it! Seas around Catan actions with them against each other, sailing between the islands... 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