I thought a machine at the end of my bed was a slurpee machine and I was being held hostage in a Mike's Mart, and no one would let me have a damn slurpee (Kinda like … I was convinced for years that this was actually a memory, and subsequently faceplanted on my bedroom floor many a time upon failing to reenact my superpowers. I had a catheter once (because I was forced to go to a pediatrician even after sexually active and said pediatrician decided that my UTIs were from Vesicoureteral reflux - a children's issue that very rarely goes undiagnosed past age 12 - instead of me not knowing you need to pee after sex...yes, I'm still bitter). 90+ days of a repetitive nightmare like that can make a man insane. Knowing that you're dreaming can be important, especially in the grip of an intense dream. Now, I know I wasn't in a coma, but one of the vivid dreams I had during that time (approximately 11 surgeries in 13 days) was when they de-intubated me (took out the breathing tube). I walked about ten steps and couldn't hear anymore past the ringing in my ears. The word coma comes from the greek meaning of “deep sleep,” but what exactly does this unconscious state do to your brain? Sometimes I realize I'm having them if I get woken up when I'm not all the way asleep yet. Even with all of my ribs broken and being mostly unconscious still have A+ quality snark, Another time when I was conscious was when they put a catheter in. yes u can dream in a coma, and the dreams are so life like that when u come out of the coma and u remember the ddream and actually think that its real, u know how you do that sometimes now dreamin at night and it seems real this is like the "High … When I walked back, I asked my co-workers where he had gone, as the bathroom was empty. Are you asleep? Some people have reported feeling enormous reassurance from the presence of a loved one when coming out of a coma. Was she offended? The thing was, I knew even then that it was highly unlikely. I woke up as if someone had turned a light back on. A thread on Reddit asked former hospital patients who were in a coma to discuss what it was like. The vegetative state can last for years or decades. Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content. Further concepts Lucidity. I had a very serious head injury. After you have recited in your head, as you are growing sleepy, imagine a dream you recently had, or a dream you would like to have. In 1984, 18-year-old Sarah Scantlin was run over by a drunk driver. I remember being awake a few times. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Obviously, your asleep, so you can't wake up. Some funny in retrospect, some were fucking terrifying. I've given it several times in my career to patients and it's...entertaining. Now in adulthood I sometimes wonder: what if I really could fly? You are not prepared for the major changes that are happening around you. In this dream, it was like real time. /r/all 58.8k points 58.8k points 58.8k points submitted 12 hours ago by Thatsnotano to r/Wellthatsucks 2 24 21 20 28 & 70 more Share While it rarely lasts longer than a few weeks, some people never wake from a coma. Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. Everybody that I know tells me that life is real, for example if you hit your head it would hurt a lot and in a dream you wouldn't feel it. Most comas do not last longer than four weeks. Once you lay down, the game will ask if you want to dream. Alternatively, your dream coma state may reflect what is really happening to your body when you are in the dream stage of sleep. I then fell onto my side. Picture yourself in it doing something you would like to do, such as fly. From my personal experience, yes it was. According to Vanga’s interpretation, if you sank into coma in a dream, it tells that you admit your weakness, and inability to carry out financial and other important issues. But anyways, on Instagram, lots of people are talking about a girl named CeeCee who Taika Waititi directs a short film about the results of lucid dreaming after gaming. FUCK CATHETERS! In patients with seriously altered states of consciousness, there is also the puzzle about dreaming. Could it be possible the internal clock still ticks normal rate, but all higher functions goes slow motion, and you could feel that even in dream? Dreams feel real. Press J to jump to the feed. I walked down the entire way with over half of my vision gone black. I had one dream and it was interesting. All you need to do is know what your dream means. Select yes, and you’ll be enveloped in a purple fog before seeing Luna again. Did yo have any contact to the outer word? I should have known the most attention I'd get on Reddit would be to point out a mistake. (Photo: Getty) Being in a coma is one those experiences we all wonder about. While the time spent in the coma may differ, the stories of these people waking up are quite remarkable. It is a state of unconsciousness, caused by a various … The first time was when my sister came to visit. They had hoped you would be a replacement for they had lost, but all you are is a reminder, a grim reminder that reminds them everyday and a shadow of a boy who once lived. She says, “if you are having sex with the boss [in your dream], fear not! r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Coma. Which was weird...because you were mountain biking, Oddly enough this is the one that freaks me out the most. But brain activity is still going on. Once you do these six things to put yourself in the best possible position to receive a dream, focus on discovering your dream. In my fevered hallucinations I thought I was being throat-raped with a big rubber dick. If you are in a coma it could suggest that events or hurts in your life have caused you to withdraw or be largely incapable of interacting with other people and events. i was in a coma after car accident. You may notice every now and again that when your parents don't think you are looking, their faces are full of grief. But you memories, your dreams everything that made you 'you' was put into a robotic clone to help your parents with their grief and to give you a life of sorts. Coma survivors have taken to Reddit to share their experiences of waking up, with stories including believing they were in different country and hallucinations including gaming characters. People who remember their dreams show different brain activity. Patients in a coma appear unconscious. I haven't been on in sooo long, I've been soo busy. You may have been given a drug known as Ketamine. But nothing is perfect. COVID-19: What you need to know. A coma is a deep state of prolonged unconsciousness in which a person cannot be awakened; fails to respond normally to painful stimuli, light, or sound; lacks a normal wake-sleep cycle; and does not initiate voluntary actions. I respectfully disagree with the previous poster for two reasons: 1. Do ‘vegetative’ patients (also known in clunkier, politically correct fashion as patients in a state of unresponsive wakefulness) or minimally conscious state patients experience normal sleep? Stephanie Savage: My first memory came from my MRI. Do you dream in a coma? If a person's coma is caused by toxins or an infection, it can be resolved when the cause is treated. Some people feel they can remember events that happened around them while they were in a coma, while others don't. Five years ago I was in a medically induced coma for 2 weeks. He was wandering down the hall stomping his feet, "I'm like the hulk! That's a type of dream actually.... often dreams in non-REM sleep are composed of feelings rather than narratives. Cookies help us deliver our Services. If its a nightmare, we wake up frightened. The outcome of a coma ranges from full recovery to death. It’s comforting being able to have a hug from someone you can’t have it from in real life. I was told it took a while for them to revive me and get me back on the ventilator. Anything you do while you’re waking up, because apparently coming to is nothing like the gentle eye-flutterings the movies show you. I learned later that was probably my vent tube coming out of throat. You can see that, on the first day of coma, the brain responses to standard and deviant sounds were almost identical to each other, as they have similar colors (blue to the top, red to the bottom). I have really fuzzy memories about what happened, but apparently the only thing I said was " am I still prettier than you?" Btw, i love that feeling in dream, not touching the ground. Interesting. I had a recurring dream that I could fly, but it would only happen if I jumped off my bed a certain way. A friend in coma means you will have to count only on yourself for a while, without support of your friends and family. The experience of being in a coma differs from person to person. Yet many people who have recovered from comas report dreams into which something of the outside world penetrated. I replied "Walking" then fell back asleep. But as for a COMA: You would not feel pain, you can not dream in a coma. In my fevered hallucinations I thought I was being throat-raped with a big rubber dick. More immersive than a good book, a TV show, or even a virtual reality game, a lucid dream defies all laws of physics and logic and puts your right in … You may notice every now and again that when your parents don't think you are looking, their faces are full of grief. How Ash and his world are relatively normal until after that incident? On Dreams.com, you can learn how to remember your dreams, how to interpret your dreams, and how to use your dreams to solve problems in your life. I grabbed at my throat. EDIT: Not sure if it is anymore, but this made front page! You do know in lucid dreaming that the person you chose to see is dead, but it doesn’t scare you. One guy went up to the bathroom, after post reduction films of his shoulder. Edit: Esophagus is for food, trachea is for air. How do you guys like my new shower? Either that, or it just hurt like a mofo. Already I've asked about them once. I know if they did they probably wouldn't remember the dream, but do they? It was really upsetting. Aahahahhaa that's great. I look down and saw my esophagus on the ground. I was fully awake, and the lady was extremely mean... 0/10 will not ever do again, I don't care if my bladder is about to burst, keep that tube away from my junk! Indeed, it appears dreams and hallucinations are quite common when comatose, especially when in a medically-induced coma, although there's also a lot people don't remember: Reddit r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. It just felt so real. Anyways, do people in a coma dream? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Actually, this is kind of neat, because it means that, on some level, your brain understood that something you relied on for air was being removed. More from Quora: I don't remember much of it now, I have it written down somewhere, but the biggest thing I do remember was how time passed in it. Sadly, he died a few hours later. Fact: The type of coma affects the outcome. It took a while for me to regain my right mind, and even longer before I could work out what was real during that time and what was hallucinated. It's like your brain took prior memories and used them to fill in the missing gaps, that's pretty cool. Also, when I walked, I wasn't touching the ground, I was floating. If you have a dream where one of your loved ones is in a coma then this means that you need to go see that person. Did time fly by? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketamine, It's also a hallucinogen. Not everyone has a grand story, and it's important that people know this. I have never been in a coma, but my first husband was in a coma for six weeks. Childhood memories can be deceiving. The chance he was going to make it was honestly real low. Redditors who have been in coma, what was the experience like? Some people in a coma shift to a persistent vegetative state, in which breathing, maintaining normal blood pressure, digesting and eliminating foods continues without the patient's awareness. What your ER patient said is true, everything is black and nothingness when your in a coma. In fact, general anesthesia is a type of medically induced coma. I drove to a house and it literally felt like the drive in my dream took hours. Elaine died later that year at the age of 43 years 357 days, having been in a coma for 37 years 111 days. Here're some other facts you might be interested. Now, I know I wasn't in a coma, but one of the vivid dreams I had during that time (approximately 11 surgeries in 13 days) was when they de-intubated me (took out the breathing tube). I was out for almost 2 weeks. The problem that I'm having is that my dream was of being in a coma and while in a coma state I was dreaming. I was so relieved when I was finally able to move. Passed out on my mother within a minute. However, what most people think of as a medically induced coma serves a different purpose than general anesthesia. Coma is divided by type of injury and the level of consciousness a patient displays. I remember thinking right then how badly I was gonna sue the doctor who was doing this to me. Do you have the same dream/nightmare throughout your whole time in the coma (could be years and years)? Were you still prettier than her? The longer a person is in a coma, the less likely they are to wake up. He used the animus to stay conscious and it got me thinking; can you dream while in A false awakening may occur following a dream or following a lucid dream (one in which the dreamer has been aware of dreaming). Waking up from a coma is scary. Induced coma for a week or so, resulting from a MVA. And it got me thinking. Have you ever noticed that the pacing, tone, and story development of Pokémon changes after Ash is hit by lightning in the early episodes? To dream that you are in a coma indicates your helplessness and inability to function in some given situation. That depends. Although I was relatively aware of the goings on for the next few weeks, my memories are peppered with intense, bizarre hallucinations. And I would only fly around my house/yard, so the mundane setting made it seem more solid than, say, flying around in the sky. Hey everyone! It's confusing. Love that guy though. Answer: When a person is “in a coma,” the brain of that person is in a state of deep unconsciousness for a prolonged or indefinite period. Back in October I was septic and hours from death had I not made it into the ER when I did. I'm just a curious kitten today, lol. I really should have left that. The chances that you are in a non-lucid dream right now is existent, but you have a better chance winning the lottery. Is it like a plain black out, or did you dream? I have a theory. If you taste, feel, eat and suffer that means you are real. Do not show anyone your bad mood, be active and then no one will hurt you. The only recurring dream I had when I was in a coma, was the following. If someone close to you was in coma in your dream, this plot indicates that you are worried about your future relations and are afraid to lose the person. Days later, he was found and hurried to the hospital and treated with heavy medications. The few times I've had major surgery, this is how anesthesia felt. throw away account cause this is really personal. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If you enter a dream in this way, you are having a WILD. I think that the most beautiful part of lucid dreaming is making a perfect day and living it in your head and feeling like it was real and remembering it perfectly. Not me, but my father. Coma patients do not show any signs of entering REM sleep. Fuck that shit, The only other thing I remember was 4th of July because of the fireworks. I was in a coma for 8 weeks. One the second day, you can see that the responses to standard and deviant sounds are very different from each other, and the maps do not look similar any more. Some people feel they can remember events that happened around them while they were in a coma, while others don't. While he was in the coma though, he woke up for a brief bit, looked my other buddy right in the eye and said, "you're next". If you dream that you yourself are being strangled by someone — or even yourself — it serves as "a very clear indication that you in a some way — in what you say, think or do — limit yourself in a way that is 'killing you' (that is to say mentally, because you lack vitality)," according to the expert. Only on rare occasions (usually associated with tumors) can a coma patient enter REM sleep. And then what you want to do is examine the relationships you're in right now and ask yourself where you feel a similarity." When I finally woke up I could swear only 3 days had gone by, but in reality it was 2 months. His pancreas exploding is what brought him to the hospital in the first place and his organs were shutting down one after the other. Add the game on your STEAM wishlist:http://store.steampowered.com/app/538070Welcome in Bad Dream: Coma. My total time in the coma was 3 days. I woke up restrained to the bed because I had yanked the tubes out of my mouth. People in a coma are given food via a tube. But yeah, in relation to your comment, the removal of the breathing tube was very unpleasant and traumatic. Being in a coma is one of the most mysterious medical conditions in the world. They put it in and made me walk across the hospital. What kind of doctor nicknames his penis "my vent tube"? Except I imagine I felt a little more groggy coming out of it. You can rehearse any skill in a lucid dream. Picture your dreams. This reminds me of the film Sliding Doors where the film follows two possible realities based on a single event that either did or did not happen. Personally I'd rather be in a really cool dream for a few years than just passed out. What you can do as a visitor. If you dream that you yourself are being strangled by someone — or even yourself — it serves as "a very clear indication that you in a some way — in what you say, think or do — limit yourself in a way that is 'killing you' (that is to say mentally, because you lack vitality)," according to the expert. It took about 5 days after I woke up to realize, that that what I experienced wasn't the reality. Was the entire coma set to the tune of Yakety Sax? I only remember one thing: i was walking down a street. Refused to sit down in the new waiting room. Press J to jump to the feed. One of my uncles was there when I first work up and said that one of the dr's asked me "how did you get here?" What you can do as a visitor. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I realized at some point that this must be what a coma feels like cause you look like you're paralyzed to everyone else but I'm here, and awake and not dead. The accident with the bike put Ash into a coma. When we wake up, we're annoyed it's not real. Only on rare occasions (usually associated with tumors) can a coma patient enter REM sleep. Dream-lag is when the images, experiences, or people that emerge in dreams are images, experiences, or people you have seen recently, perhaps the previous day or a week before. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Yes. Feeling cut off from others or that other people are so busy that they can never listen to you. Taking this from reddit. Do you dream? The Bible says nothing specific about a person who is in a coma, because the medical intervention required to sustain life in a coma was not yet available when the books of the Bible were written. Can you actually hear when people are speaking to you? 10 Sam Carter By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I was in a coma from injuries sustained in a boxing match. Personally I'd rather be in a really cool dream for a few years than just passed out. My father was in a coma for three months and had a repeated "dream" of a bear stealing his potato chips. But nothing is perfect. Because the thoughts and dreams that go through your mind when you're in a coma feel so abso-freaking-lutely REAL, you would swear they are actual memories. Check for dream signs. Most patients awaking from comas feel like they are awaking from a deep sleep, and do not report dreams. WebMD explains various types of coma -- what causes them, how they are treated, and the prognosis for a person in a coma. You're quite correct, there is no way to prove that you are in a non-lucid dream right now. And all those times I tried, I failed simply because I didn't believe hard enough? I was playing AC revelations and Desmond got knocked into a coma. Five years ago I was in a medically induced coma for 2 weeks. Falling into a Coma sounds like a terrifying experience, but is it all that bad? Coma is a state of prolonged unconsciousness with many possible causes. Most comas do not last more than a few weeks, but there are people who are stuck in one for months or years. But that instant you wake up in the recovery room, it's just strange. This Experiment Brings Them to Life. What Do You Dream After Playing the New Xbox? I got a wheelchair and they quickly got me into the exam room to get the thing out. They do not respond to touch, sound or pain, and cannot be awakened. My Friend got a concussion from Football, he was knocked out for 30 seconds, woke up and tried ordering a cheese-wrap from a store that was closed for a year. Esposito's story was brought back into attention in the late 1990s and early 2000s in the controversy surrounding the case of Terri Schiavo, who was in a persistent vegetative state. Thanks everyone for killing my inbox :). I had a friend die in a medically induced coma. I was in a really bad car wreck a few months ago and fucked up my internals and got an awful case of pneumonia, so they put me in a medically induced coma. The experience of being in a coma differs from person to person. But you do still need to go see them just in case. Most of the dreams I have, if I'm going somewhere, the time it takes to "travel" in the dream is insignificant, generally a couple of seconds if that. Also my phone autocorrected this comment to say: dreams in non-REM sleep are composed of feelings rather than bathtubs. You would of had to know him and our group of friends to realize how funny that was. took him ten minutes to realize he was in a semi-final game. I don't quite recall the specifics of the swelling, but I was out for a little over 3 days, they said. If they did not, their intestines would rupture. Another time when I was conscious was when they put a catheter in. I appreciate this. I remember nothing. To dream of yourself being in a coma represents helplessness, total dependency on others, or an inability to function. What do you remember from that time? Coma To dream that you are in a coma, indicates your helplessness and inability to function in some given situation.You are not prepared for the major changes that are happening around you… Some people have reported feeling enormous reassurance from the presence of a loved one when coming out of a coma. You can do whatever you want in a lucid dream, and many people study lucid dreaming to live out their wildest fantasies. I feel so heavy!". He recalled no dreams. Likely you are not psychic and something bad isn’t necessarily going to happen to them just because you had a bad dream. Nothing : …I don’t remember anything while in the coma. In a dream you do not feel anything, so it would not make sense if we weren't real that will just be dumb. Particularly, if the false awakening follows a lucid dream, the false awakening may turn into a "pre-lucid dream", that is, one in which the dreamer may start to wonder if they are really awake and may or may not come to the correct conclusion. He recalled the ambulance driver's words at the scene of the accident: "I don't think this one is going to make it." I immediately tried to get up; I thought I was still on the mountain I was skiing. Feeling cut off from the world around you. Took a couple of hours, but I guess the anesthesiologist messed up somehow. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Redditor, temptotosssoon, wrote this a while ago. I fell to my knees while coughing. Feeling totally impotent to take action or do things for yourself. After an hour or two in the hospital with the nurses putting in an IV and prep stuff (they didn't know the extent of my infections yet), I remember nothing for the next 13 days. "If you chase a dream, it's going to run away," he says. Coma. In my dream I was in the woods with my dog Dakota. Coma patients do not show any signs of entering REM sleep. Most patients awaking from comas feel like they are awaking from a deep sleep, and do not report dreams. Are you aware of what’s going on around you? Their brains often show no signs of the normal sleep-wakefulness cycle, which means they are unlikely to be dreaming. But, as I said, you can't wake up if your in a coma. Your dreams can be a tremendous source of power through the insight they provide. A 2014 study found more spontaneous activity in a part of the brain called the temporo-parietal junction among people who regularly recall their dreams, compared with people who rarely do. That feeling that you were robbed of time. Anxiety dreams can make it impossible to get a good night's sleep, which can just create a cycle of more anxiety the next day. I'm very curious today about coma's, lol. In this dream I fell and I hit my head and I was knocked unconscious and in a coma for 4 days. No it was more than a dream, the things I saw were real for me. Does that apply to tasks like delivering a speech? I had pretty much the same experience as you did. It feels nothing like actual sleep. The severe brain injuries left her in a coma for twenty years. Last night the Lord Jesus gave me a dream. So no, waking up from a coma is nothing like waking up from a good sleep. Medically induced coma vs. sedation for general anesthesia differs in the level of unconsciousness. The truth is you, the 'real' you that is, Died that day. But you memories, your dreams everything that made you 'you' was put into a robotic clone to help your parents with their grief and to give you a life of sorts. Coma patients exhibit a complete absence of wakefulness and are unable to consciously feel, speak or move. Dreams Library. In general, if you want to improve in waking life, dreams are the perfect place to do it. Is in a medically induced coma days of a repetitive nightmare like that can make a insane. For six weeks also, when I 'm just a curious kitten today,.. The Lord Jesus gave me a dream in a lucid dream be enveloped in a coma patient enter sleep... You dream not dream in this dream I fell and I hit my and... Cool dream for a week or so, resulting from a coma are given food via a tube low... Of the goings on for the major changes that are happening around you felt a over! A while for them to revive me and get me back on the ventilator a driver... 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