You loop through all LINK elements in the document and for each one determine whether its attribute is either stylesheet or alternate stylesheet.You create a new list with links pointing to a function that disables all but the currently chosen style sheet and add this list to the document. If you’re not careful, infinite loops can slow down or crash your compiler. While it’s sometimes called a post-processor, I’d call it a meta-preprocessor. The better way to loop through objects is first to convert the object into an array. If you’ve ever watched old sci-fi flicks, you know how powerful loops can be. Thanks a ton! See the Pen Sass “for” loop by Miriam Suzanne (@mirisuzanne) on CodePen. That said, we use jQuery at work so I am now comfortable looping through elements with the .each() function like so: $("nav a").each(function() { // jQuery here }); I am currently working on a personal project to improve my knowledge of pure JavaScript loops. Post a link! For each UL , check whether it has the class defining it as a slide show (which is stored in the slideClass property), and skip the rest of the steps performed by this function if it doesn’t have the class (use continue to do this). A better loop pattern in Less is to use an inner mixin and use the multi-cast behavior of Less mixins to expliclitly split out the loop body and the iteration case. Each grid-span is a percentage, using the math span / context * 100% — the basic calculation all grid systems have to make. That’s because you can achieve the same thing with a recursive function, making it reusable: See the Pen Sass “while” recursive function by Miriam Suzanne (@mirisuzanne) on CodePen. Updated on December 23, 2019 Published on November 13, 2019. And the later ($.each()) loops or iterates through jQuery objects or arrays. The difference between a NodeList and an Array is that a NodeList is a language-agnostic way to access DOM elements, and an Array is a JavaScript object you can use to contain collections of stuff. I built a toolkit to help me store and manipulate colors in Sass. close, link Functional languages have the same problem and the same solution: recursion and a decreasing loop invariant. This comment thread is closed. This method returns a Node List and not an array. For loops can run for any number of repetitions, not just the length of an object. Check if an array is empty or not in JavaScript. Use-Cases of this code snippet. Loop through the all the div elements using the forEach() method. How to iterate over an Array using for loop in Golang? Less doesn’t provide a loop syntax, but we can fake it with recursion. We're 2 weeks away from a full year of learning JS! I do that all the time, but if you search my code for Sass’s @while, you won’t find it. I found myself using loops in Sass mainly with transition-delay or animation-delay. There is a PostCSS plugin postcss-functions that let’s you write functions in JavaScript that can do recursion and more. Know how to iterate through all options of a